Chapter 10: What Is Simon Doing Here?

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Chapter 10
What Is Simon Doing Here?

Kiara was not able to keep herself in the bed for too long. She carefully got out of the bed, wincing at the stinging feeling as she moved. She took support from furniture and walls as she moved forward.

She soon saw Alec, Isabelle, Jace, Clary and...Simon?

She saw Clary following Jace and Simon going behind them.

Just then, Alec's eyes fell on her. "Kiara!" He nearly yelled as he practically ran to her. He wrapped his arm around her and let her lean on him for support to walk. "You should have stayed in bed for a while." He told her disapprovingly.

"I just couldn't keep myself in the bed anymore." She complained. "I was bored."

"You could have been seriously hurt!" He said angrily.

"What Simon doing here though?" She questioned.

"I'd like to know that myself." He replied.

"See, I told you a Circle member followed him here to Clary and Kiara." Jace said.

"But that doesn't explain why he was here to be followed anyways." Kiara pointed out.

"Clary hasn't answered her phone in two days!" Simon said.

"Neither have I!" Kiara said. "I don't see Vihaan and Natasha here."

"Well, not my fault your ex boyfriend didn't care." Simon said, out loud by mistake apparently.

Kiara's eyes flashed.

"I'm sorry Kiara! I- I didn't mean it like that!" He said.

"Oh. Didn't mean it like that? Then exactly how did you mean it? Do explain." Kiara asked.

"I-I...." Simon got out.

"It's alright. Whatever. I'm too tired to care." Kiara said.

Alec got a little closer to her. "That is why you should rest. Do not over exhaust yourself."

"I won't. Don't worry." Kiara said. She turned to Clary. "Where were you headed to anyways?" She asked.

"I wanted some answers. About our mother and all this stuff. Jace was just taking me to see someone who he says can give me answers. Come along?" Clary asked.

"I don't think she should." Jace said. "I agree with Alec on this one. She should rest just for another hour or so. This might take time and will probably be difficult."

When Kiara went to protest he gave her a look. "Clary and I will come back and tell you everything we find out. Right now, go. Rest." He told her.

"I'll come with you. Show you your room." Isabelle said going over to her. "I also want to have"
Hey guys. Another short chapter. Haha. Hope you like it though. Do vote, comment, follow and share.
I have another Mortal Instruments fanfic. Give it a try as well. That is an Alec Lightwood fanfic too.


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