Chapter 25: Arguements

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Hey guys! Hope you liked this book so far. Thankyou all for the 4k+ reads and supporting this book all this while. Without further delay....
Chapter 25

"Shouldn't we get out of here? What if they come up?" Simon said, panicking.

"They'll burn up and go down in ashes. Honestly..." Alec replied, rolling his eyes.

"Chill out, Alec." Izzy said.

"Whatever, I don't even know what we are up to." He said, running his hand through his hair.

"Then why did you come, Alec." Jace asked.

"I don't explain myself to you." He replied. "Just like you don't feel the need to. They are Valentine's daughters. We haven't known them a week. They appeared out of nowhere. Shadowhunters...but never runed. Don't you find that even a little suspicious? Or odd?"

"Shut up, Alec." Jace said, holding up his hand. "Just..shut up."

"I'm not in your shadow, Jace. No matter how much I'm believed to be or you want me to be."

"What? Alec.." Jace started, only to be cut off.

"I'm done Jace. You'll get either yourself or others killed and I don't want to be around to witness it." He said. "Also, I'd rather it not be my sister." He added before turning away.

Jace pulled him around.

"We're parabatai." Jace said.

"Oh, you still remember? I thought you must have forgotten that little detail around the time you forgot that we are supposed to be equal. That we are supposed to choose our battles together. That the one who's given himself the illusion of superiority cannot dismiss the other one's opinion." He said making Jace flinch.

"What's your problem?" Clary yelled.

"Clary shut up, it's not your fight." Kiara said holding her sister back.

"No, He has had a problem since day one and I'd like to know what it is." Clary said.

"You. You are my problem." Alec said.

"They have done nothing to you." Simon interjected.

"Simon! Stay out of it! He cane and saved you. Clary would have been liquid lunch had he not saved her as well. The least both of you could do is be a little grateful." Kiara said.

"Not like we asked for it." Simon mumbled.

"Oh, should I throw you back in, then?" Kiara asked, sarcastically.

"What's gotten into you?" Clary asked softly. "Your best friends are safe and out of this. You've got no one to worry about like this."

"My best friends are safe because they know how to Mind their own business and they know better than to stalk me if I don't answer their calls for a day." Kiara said firmly.

"Simon cares about me." Clary said.

"And clings to you. He does not belong in the shadow world. He should have left after he saw that you were alright." Kiara said.

"For once, I agree." Jace added.

"Jace, whats the issue with Simon?" Clary asked, letting out a deep breath.

"Your sister just said it. He doesn't belong here." Jace replied.

"I belong if Clary does." Simon said defensively.

"That's my problem. I doubt she does." Alec said. "All she's done is create problems."

"Alec..." Jace started.

"Don't Jace. She goddamn dragged us to the Vampires lair." He said.

"We wouldn't need to do it if Isabella hadn't lost him in the first place." Clary said angrily.

"Don't you dare blame this on her!" Alec replied equally angry.

"It was not her fault." Kiara said. "He doesn't know how to defend himself. He will always be in danger and we can't very well place bodyguards around him."

Izzy watched as the five others argued continually and sighed. She could see the whole group dividing into a division that will stay there, however subconsciously, even after the fight was resolved.
Hey guys! I do hope you liked this chapter. I think it's clear that there will be a lot of tension between these people for the next few chapters. Not too long though, you need not worry about that.
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