Chapter 4: Who's That Guy?

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Hey guys. This chapter is hopefully my second update for the day. Anyways, something you should know, I literally never proofread so there are probably a lot of mistakes here and there. Just overlook them.
Anyways, I have mentioned this earlier. But remember, even if this is not Malec, Magnus still plays a super important role here. As Raphael and the Seelie Queen are also more important characters here. That's as far as I have thought already, but the story develops as it goes on so you never know what might change.
Chapter 4
Who's That Guy?

Clary gave her sister a look but knew this is probably the best way she had to get inside. She took a guy's arm and walked in with him.

"Somebody's been working out." She said as they entered.

"Really Clarissa?" Kiara asked. "That's the best you got?"

"You said hey hottie." Clary deadpanned.

"But my guy was definitely a dumbo. Yours looked intelligent." She said.

"How do you even tell that much by looking at a dude?" Clary asked.

"Expressions and body language." She replied simply.

"Oh god." Clary said as she looked past Kiara.

"What?" Kiara asked turning around to see the Blond guy from before holding a blade, like a sword.

"Watch out!" Clary yelled as she threw herself at the woman he was with and pushed her aside.

Kiara rolled her eyes. "So dramatic." She said.

Her eyes widened as a battle literally a battle, broke out right in front of her. It was a platinum blond girl who looked like she was wearing a wig, the Blond guy on drugs and....a raven haired guy. A guy Kiara couldn't get eyes off of.

Kiara paid no attention elsewhere as she watched him fighting and killing...were they people? Last time Kiara checked, people do not go down in ashes and vaporise when stabbed with a blade.

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around her waist out of nowhere. Kiara screamed when she saw tentacles come out of the...things' face.

It abruptly went up in ashes as well and Kiara stumbled. She felt another arm wrap around herself. She looked behind to see the raven haired boy standing there, holding her.

He looked back at her and Kiara saw his eyes, the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

Kiara snapped out of it. "Uh..yeah. I think so. Just a little shocked. What was that thing?" She asked.

He looked at her in confusion. "It was a demon."


Suddenly the boy turned and killed another demon. Kiara watched as he fought the demons. She saw a demon coming at him from behind. She noticed a blade near her feet and picked it up. It glowed and trusting her instincts, she ran the blade through the demon, as the boy called it.

The boy killed the demon he was fighting and turned to her. "Good work." He said, fining a surprised half smile.

Just then Clary came to Kiara. "What did you do? You willingly killed a person!" She yelled at Kiara.

"You call those things people? It had tentacles contingent out of its face!" She yelled back.

"Whatever come on." Clary said as she dragged Kiara out. Once out of the curtained area, Clary let go of her hand.

The twins bumped into a guy. Clary went ahead but Kiara stopped as turned around. She looked at the man, he looked oddly familiar.

"Do I know you?" She asked.

"I doubt." He replied.

"Oh. seem oddly familiar." She replied.

"I get to hear that often." He smiled.

"What's your name again?" Kiara questioned.

"Magnus Bane."

Kiara gave him an odd look. "Funny. I feel like I've heard it before."

"It's a common name.." He replied.

"Perhaps." Kiara said as she walked away, knowing that the name wasn't really common.

But even with that on her mind, she wondered who the raven haired boy was. Will she ever see him again?

Her eighteenth birthday turned out to be more eventful than she'd like.
Hey guys. Second update yay! Hope you like it. Do vote, comment and follow. Do share and see my other works as well.
(1) Any one likes Meliorn?
(2) Do you want Max to have a bigger role?

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