Chapter 20: The Churchyard

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Hey guys! So, this story has more than 1000 views and I'm soo happy! Thankyou so much for all the support and for sticking with this story up until now. You guys have no idea how much this means to me and I hope I don't disappoint anyone here.
Chapter 20
The Churchyard

Kiara listened to the conversation without saying much herself.

"Look, the vamps broke the Accords." Jace said. "They kidnapped a mundie, that's a big no no. The Clave will give us a lecture and then they'll be glad we did it. Come on."

"Hard to argue with that." Izzy piped in.

"Even if we went ahead, I don't see how we get out of here without having to explain where we are going." Alec said. "We need weapons, and we can't let anyone see us get them."

"I know where to get what we need." Jace said.
It wasn't long before they were in Simon's van off to wherever they were supposed to be going.

"Clars. Where are are we going?" Kiara asked.

"Weren't you listening?" Clary shit back.

"I wouldn't be asking you if I had been listening." Kiara pointed out, rolling her eyes.

And not a minute later, Jace parked the van and they all got out.

"Whose grave is it?" Alec asked as soon as they were out.

"Whose grave is it?" Kiara whispered to Clary. "What are we doing? I thought the vamps were at some hotel."

"Mary Milligan born January 10th, 1802, died January 10th, 1878." Izzy replied.

"She died on her birthday?" Kiara said. "If she died because she partied harder than she could, then one word. Respect."

"All right, Alec, let's go." Jace said, ignoring Kiara.

"I swear to God, if I get ignored one more time..." Kiara muttered annoyed.

"Wait, what are we looking for?" Clary asked.

"Exactly. Even I want to know. Someone had to ask that! Thank you!" Kiara said.

"Cache of weapons." Izzy answered.

"Stashed here with Mrs. Milligan." Jace added.

"Why are there shadowhunter weapons in a churchyard?" Clary asked.

"Because all of the ancient religions recognise demons." Isabelle replied. "Or at least they used to."

"They forgot about the threat because we've been here to protect them." Alec said. "Typical mundane failure of imagination."

"Are you dating we did too good a job?" Izzy asked, chuckling. "You just can't let up, can you?"

"You know what?" Jace interrupted. "Alec, why don't you go check out by the Angel?"

Kiara laughed.

Jace sighed. "And take Ara with you."

Alec rolled his eyes and beckoned for Kiara to follow him.

"We couldn't hear up at the institute...." And then Kiara tuned out Jace's voice.

"Alec you're a brat. But you weren't being such a bratty brat before we found out who our father is." Kiara told him. "It's not like we chose it."

When she got no reply she glanced over at her sister. She could tell that Clary was having an 'its all my fault and I'm very sorry and please feel sorry for me' moment.

"He's home." Izzy announced when her phone beeped.

Everyone looked at her.

"I'm outta here." She said, smiling as she turned to walk away.

"Wait, aren't you coming with us?" Clary asked.

"Oh, I wouldn't miss it for the world but I gotta find out how to get into the vampire's lair." She said.

Kiara smirked. "Oh I'm sure you'll finding out."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Jace called out after her, his smirk growing wider at Kiara's comment.

"I'm not quite sure there is much to that list, brother." Kiara told Jace, amused.

"Jace.... Over here." Alec said.

"Yeah coming." He said as he walked up.

Kiara saw Clary walk around as she walked over to Alec and Jace.

"We're crossing a line into the vamps' territory." Alec said.

"That's the point." Jace replied. "Come on, Alec, cheer up. It's good fun." He said, patting Alec's arm.

"Damn it, Jace." Alec said. "Just...think this through. You don't even like this guy. This isn't about the mundane, this is about Clary. What, are you so desperate to get laid that you'll risk killing us?"

Kiara nearly laughed out loud but decided against it.

"Wow, um, there's so much in that that was wrong, I'm gonna pretend I didn't here it." Jace replied, ready to walk away.

"That's the problem." Alec said, grabbing his arm. "You're not listening. Not to this it anything else I've said tonight. You don't even know this girl. Why do you trust her?"

"I should be offended because you're talking about my twin and by default, me. But honestly, you do have no reason to trust us and even if you did there's a lot you guys are risking here. This is a big gamble from all that I've got so far, Jace think this through. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Kiara said hesitantly.

"Yes, Kiara I'm sure. And you know what, this isn't even about not knowing you." He said and then turned to Alec. "Is this a it them bring Valentine's daughters?" He asked Alec. "Haven't we been through the this? Alec, look at me. You can trust them, or not. I don't care. It's none of my business. But if you don't trust me-" He was interrupted by Clary.

"I've found it! Guys!" Clary said. "I think I have. Mary Milligan."

Jace was the first to walk up to Clary.

"Why do you have so much trouble trusting us?" Kiara asked Alec as they took Jace's lead.

"Because one of the many things I've been taught since day one is that a minute's trust on the wrong person, can and will get you killed." Alec replied before he sped up.
I know! It's been way too long! But I've been sick for have that time, anyhow, I'm sorry. Hope you guys liked it. Do vote, comment, share and follow. And once again, thanks for the support!

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