Chapter 3: Happy Eighteenth

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Hey guys! Another disclaimer, I don't own anything other than my oc(s) and the changes in the original plot line.

Hope you guys have liked it so far.
Chapter 3
Happy Eighteenth

Simon, Clary and Kiara walked in silence. When the silence started turned awkward, Kiara spoke.

"What's the deal between you and Maureen though?" She asked Simon.

"Me and Maureen? Nothing. We sing together." He replied.

"Really Simon? It is so clear that she has a crush on you." Kiara said rolling her eyes.

"What? No." Simon denied.

"Seriously Simon? How can you not see it? Honestly. How can someone as smart and perceptive not see it?" Clary said.

Kiara tittered. Ah, the situation! Clary was saying that to Simon when she herself didn't see the massive crush her best friend had on her. Simon shot Kiara a glare and turned to Clary.

"Believe me I'm not the only one." He told her.

"You guys went on stage as Champagne Enema tonight." Kiara informed Simon and Maureen.

"I know! What were we thinking, right?" Maureen said.

"Doesn't matter. We're rock solid pandas now." Simon informed the twins.

"Rock solid pandas it is. I feel inspired." Clary said as she picked up spray paint and threw some over to Kiara as well.

Clary worked on one side while Kiara did the other.

"What's that tag though?" Simon asked pointing to one of the figures that Clary had drawn after thanking the pair.

"I-I don't know. It just came to my mind. I didn't even realise that I was drawing it." Clary said.

"Kiara has drawn the same thing." Simon said.

"You know there have been cases of people waking up speaking French without ever having studied the language." Maureen told the twins.

"So you think that's a language?" Clary asked Maureen.

"Sanskrit maybe." She replied.

"No it's not." Kiara said. "I know what Sanskrit looks like. And this is definitely not it. I think it more like a symbol."

"Possibly." Clary nodded.

"Anyways. Any of you coming to the club?" Kiara asked.

"Now?" Simon questioned her.

"Well, yes. Obviously. You see there? That's pandemonium. That's the club I'm going to." Kiara said.

"Your fake id sucks." Clary said.

"No it doesn't." Kiara told her sister. "Does it Simon?" She asked him.

"No it does not." He replied honestly.


Just then a guy bumped into Clary.

"Will you watch where you're going?" Clary said turning to him.

"You can see me?" He asked her clearly confused by this.

"Obviously I did. But it's clear that you didn't see me." Clary told him.

He gave her a look and walked away, towards the club.

"Can you believe that dude?" Clary asked the others.

"The imaginary guy you were just talking to?" Maureen asked.

"Imaginary? No. He was right there. Didn't you see him?" Clary asked. "He's just there, see. Running towards the club."

"There is no one there, Clary." Simon said.

"I saw him too. He was blind and covered in tattoos." Kiara said. "Are you coming?" She asked before walking towards the club.

"Where are you going?" Simon asked Clary when she followed her sister.

"To get answers." Clary told him before turning and following her sister.

"Your fake ID sucks."

"Where is that guy?" Clary asked looking around.

"Why are you worried about a single guy? There are plenty more where he came from." Kiara told her sister. "And we're in a club. You'll find hotter."

"Kiara not everyone's like you." Clary said.

"I'm not offended if that's what you were trying to do." Kiara replied laughing.

"Um..guys? I'm going to go and fail at getting us some birthday drinks." Simon said.

"And I'm going to fail with you." Maureen said following Simon to the bar.

"There. Behind those curtains." Clary said pointing as she saw the guy enter. "But how do we get in there? Normal people like us clearly as rent allowed." She said as she saw the bouncers stop a guy from entering.

"Watch and learn big sis." Kiara said.

She walked ahead with confidence and took the arm of a guy who was just about to enter.

"Hey hottie." She said as she entered with him.

"Hey yourself." The guy replied smirking.

However, as soon as they were in she let go and smiled. "Talk later, dear." And turned to beckon Clary to do the same thing.
I know. The chapters are quite short. But I update fast. So, I guess that makes up for it(?).
I updated twice yesterday and will probably do the same today. Anyways, hope you like it. Do comment, vote, follow, share and check out my other works.
Alec next chapter! And Magnus too!

(1) Do you think it's too slow?
(2) Anyone wants a love triangle?
(3) Who all like Raphael?
(4) Who all like the Seelie Queen?

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