Chapter 22: Back With Alec

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Hey guys! Hope you're all liking the story so far. Alright, so most of you are going to like this chapter (or so I think).
And yes, this is one of my 15 works. So do check the others out. You never know, you might find something you're looking for.
And now, Happy reading!
Chapter 22
Back With Alec

"I'm coming with you." Kiara told Alec as soon as she was near him.

"Can I stop you?" He asked, looking at her sideways.

"No. No you can't." Kiara replied, smiling lightly.

"There." Alec said shrugging.

That point on they walked in silence for a few minutes. Kiara looked at Alec.

"You and Jace are really close, aren't you?" She asked. She had seen how upset Alec was after his disagreement with Jace and it was clear to anyone and everyone that the pair was close.

"We're parabatai." Alec said. "We are almost literally a part of each other. Of course we're close."

"Does Izzy have a parabatai too?" Kiara asked. "Do all Shadowhunters have one?"

"No, to both the questions. You get until the age of eighteen to choose your parabatai. If you go well together then yes, you become parabatais." Alec said.

"Are all parabatais this close?" Kiara questioned further.

"Well, usually, yes. They are." Alec replied, now looking slightly amused. "What's with you and twenty question right now?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just didn't like not knowing." Kiara said, looking down. 

Alec have her a crooked half smile before looking forward.

But, what Kiara said wasn't entirely true. She was never close with Clary or pretty much anyone other than Vihaan and Natasha. But they weren't a part of this world. They weren't a part of her world. And it hadn't been a week, she already missed the pair.

Not for the first time that evening, Kiara blamed her mother for something. If only her mother hadn't hidden this world from her, she would have grown up in the Shadow world with people like herself. She would have found a parabatai or at the very least, wouldn't be so close to two people who she could no longer stay with like before.
It was not long before they were at the institute.

"Ohh, so this is runing an arrow." Kiara said as Alec did the same.

"Alec. Kiara." Came a voice from behind them. Alec immediately kept the arrow and his stele as the pair turned around.

"Didn't know you were here." He said.

"" Alec started.

"We were just about to start training." Kiara interrupted. "I do have 18 years worth of shadow world to catch up on."

"That is an excellent excuse. And I believe it, I really do, when it is coming out of your mouth. I have been around Alec since he was a baby and I know for a fact that he cannot lie to save his life. He gave your lie away before you even said it." Hodge said, smirking and smiling at, somehow, the same time.

"Uhh...we.." Alec started again.

"Don't tell me." Hodge said, waving Alec's words away. "I don't want to have to report you." He said, walking towards them.

"It's just that, you know,-" Alec started before we was interrupted again.

"Save your breath, Alec." Hodge said. "Whatever you two are up to, I'll leave you to it." He said before turning around.

"Hodge?" Alec said.

"Yes?" The man asked, turning around.

"Thank you." Alec said, giving him a small half smile.

"Really, thank you." Kiara added.

"You remind me of me, Alec." Hodge said. "A loyal friend standing in the shadow of the chosen one."

Alec scoffed and Kiara's eyes widened for a second.

Is he trying to cause problems between Alec and Jace? Kiara thought, eyeing the man.

"Hey..." Hodge said. "Don't make the same mistakes I did." He told Alec. "Look where it got me."

Kiara looked at Alec once he had walked away. "I'm sure he meant for the best, but honestly, it was more of his bad choice in friends than being in someone's shadow. And you are in anybody's shadow." He told him softly.

Alec said nothing, simply staring after Hodge. Kiara sighed. In that moment, she knew that Hodge had said the exact words Alec didn't need.
Hey guys! Second update today! Hope you liked this, if you did then vote, comment, follow and share.
Take a look at my other stories as well, there is a good number of them. If you like the idea of one that isn't complete and hasn't been updated for a while then leave a comment asking for me to update it and trust me, I will.
And yes, I have decided that I will not exceed the limit of 50 chapters in this story. So soon as I hit 50, I will get the sequel out. (Though I might change my mind. So...) so...yeah. I think that's pretty much it.

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