Chapter 13: Looking For Dot

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Sup guys? I'm getting a lot of views on this story and it really inspires me to write more. Thanks for all the support! And also, the usually disclaimer. I own nothing but my ocs and changes in the storyline.
Chapter 13
Looking For Dot

Kiara and Clary got dressed in Isabelle's clothes. Kiara had no problem with how revealing the clothes were and was feeling like her usual self thanks to the rune with healing powers.

"Is this really the least revealing you have?" Clary asked Isabella as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"What? All the naughty bits are covered." Kiara told her sister.

"A little too much for my liking." Isabelle told them.

Kiara shrugged as she turned back to her mobile and walked back towards the bed.

"Where's Simon?" Clary asked.

"Who?" Izzy asked confused. Clary's eyes widened and Kiara let out a laugh.

"Kidding." Izzy said. "He's in good hands with the boys."

"So," Clary started. "You, Jace and Alec are" Clary asked Izzy.

"Translation, you want to know whether her and Jace are a thing." Kiara stated.

Clary scoffed. "What? No. Why would I care?" She asked.

"Because you do." Izzy replied. "And to answer your question, Jace and I are like siblings. My parents took him in when he was 10. We grew up together, trained and learnt to fight together. He's my brother in every way."

Clary sighed. "A few days ago all I had to worry about was getting into art school." She said. "And now..."

"Is this the part where I give you the pep talk about harnessing your inner shadowhunter and accepting your true destiny?" Izzy asked.

"That was the pep talk, wasn't it?" Kiara asked, laughing.

"Basically." Izzy told her smiling lightly.

Clary had no such reaction and just looked down. Izzy and Kiara sighed. Izzy got up walked up to Clary. "Clary, you were born to do this. No matter what has happened, this is who you are."

"Not exactly feeling that." Clary said.

"Neither am I." Kiara said, standing up. "But I have accepted this whole ordeal. That is how we will feel it. We have to do this, Clars. To find mom."

Clary sighed. "Right. We will do that. Now, we just have to find Dot." She said.

"And hunt down and kill the most dangerous rogue shadowhunter in history." Izzy said. "Before he kills us all."

"You really know how to ruin a pep talk don't you?" Clary asked, making Kiara and Izzy laugh.
Kiara and Clary stood talking to Simon.

"Let us all get out of here. We won't tell anyone." Simon told them. "This place is dangerous." He said.

"Simon, I know this is all too new. But this is the safest place for us now." Kiara said. "And we need to find Dot."

"Exactly." Clary said. "And there are actual demons out there. Demons that want to kill us. Do you know how to kill a demon?"

"I'm an Internet search away." He told.

"Simon it's not that easy." Kiara said, putting her hand on his arm. "It's really not."

"It doesn't look that hard either." Simon said. Just then Izzy came. She pressed a button on the wall next to them and a stand with swords cane out.

The three turned to look and ceased their talk. Izzy was just looking over the blades as if trying to pick one just when Jace came and slapped her hand away. "No." He told  her.

"Fifty bucks." She said. "Alec's not going to approve this mission."

"I don't approve of this mission." Alec said walking up to them just a minute later. "I spoke to the clave. They have sent Seelie scouts to look for Valentine. But the little girls do not leave the institute's premises." He told pointing towards the twins.

"Hey, we have names alright? Kiara told him. "And hint, it's not 'little girl(s)'. And we couldn't care less what your clave tells you and what it doesn't. We are going find Dot."

"And you cannot stop us." Clary said.

"Alec, this warlock could have the answers we need. She might be able to give us something of importance to the Clave." Jace told. "And with the Circle members looking for these two, they cannot be out there alone."

"Not to mention, their mother said that she hid two things from Valentine. We need to find out what that second thing is." Izzy said.

"Et tu, Izzy?" Alec asked, rolling his eyes. "Well, since you two know everything, where do you suggest we search?" He asked the twins.

Kiara made sure she didn't let the hurt show on her face. What was wrong? He had been so nice to her earlier. It wasn't that she liked him a lot or something. But she had to admit, he was cute. And hot. And super cute. Did she mention hit as well? She had developed a small crush on him these past hours and felt that a tiny crush on this guy was acceptable.

"I thing we should start looking at Dot's apartment in Greenpoint." Clary said. "And then there's this thrift store..." She started as she nervously fiddled with her clothes. Her hand went to her necklace and she gasped.

"What's wrong?" Jace asked.

"Are you okay?" Kiara asked holding Clary's arm.

"Uhh...weirdly, I think I know where Dot is." Clary said.

"Perfect!" Simon said. "I'll drive." He said before he noticed everyone's looks. "What? Um...I mean, that is..uh, unless you have like a shadowhunter mobile or sonething." That's when he nervously looked down and remembered something. "You were kidding about the runes on the floor killing me...right?" He asked Jace. Jace, Alec and Izzy all smirked.

"Possibly." Jace said, his smirk not leaving his face. He walked away and everyone followed.

"Wait, am I going to die?" Simon asked as he hesitantly took a few steps ahead.
Simon drove them all to Pandemonium. As they stepped out to search for Dot, Clary started running.

"Clars, what happened?" Kiara asked.

"Circle members. They...they took Dot." Clary said panicking. "We..we have to get to her. Come on!" She yelled as she ran.

They entered and Clary touched her necklace again. She sobbed when nothing happened. "She's...she's gone." Clary said. "She was only trying to help us."

Kiara took in a sharp breath. "We will find her. We won't stop looking." She told. Clary nodded.
Hey guys! Longer chapter! Hope you like it. Do let me know your views. Do vote, comment, follow and share.

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