Chapter 14: True Shadowhunters

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Chapter 14
True Shadowhunters

"This place isn't safe. We need to get back to the institute." Alec said.

"But our memories?" Clary asked. "What about them? Is there any other way to get them back?" She asked. "They can't just be gone?"

"Well...there is one way.." Jace said.

"No." Isabelle said immediately.

"Definitely not." Alec said at the same time.

"I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers." Jace said.

"Who are the Silent Brothers?" Kiara asked.

"They are shadowhunters with superior powers." Jace said.

"Who possess the ability to recover memories." Isabelle continued.

"A process that can also kill you." Alec added with casual sarcasm. "So there's that."

"Your bedside manner is abysmal." Simon told him.

"Not now, Simon." Kiara said. "Alec we need to do this." She said turning to the said boy.

Alec ignored her and turned to Jace. "We've broken at least 18 Clave rules and now you want to go to the City of Bones?" Alec asked. "There's no way. I won't allow it."

"This isn't our choice to make." Jace said, turning to the twins. "It's Clary and Kiara's." He said.

"You can't ask them to do this." Isabelle said. "They don't know what they're facing. They are not prepared." She told him.

"If anybody can tell me another way to recover my memories and still get the answers we need, I'm listening." Clary said.

Kiara pointedly cleared her throat. "Our memories." She said.

"That settles it." Clary said when everyone remained silent.

"See?" Jace said as if he had just won something. "I told you she's one of us." Clary followed Jace out and Kiara stared after them.

"She's one of you and I am a potato duck." She said rolling her eyes in annoyance. Is this never going to change? Does Clary always have to be in the centre of everything? She thoughts along these lines as she followed the others out.
Hey guys! I know it's super short. I'll update more today. Sorry for not updated these past 3-4 days. Been busy with a lot of things.
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