Chapter 21: Weapons

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I know guys. It's been a while. But here's something that will hopefully make up for it. Happy reading!
Chapter 21

The trio walked up to where Clary was kneeling by a gravestone.

"Beloved servant?" She asked with a 'really?' expression. "Who wants that on a headstone?"

"Someone who is in service to a cause greater than themselves." Alec said.

"And if by that you mean Shadowhunters, I'm out of here." Kiara muttered, looking at Alec.

"At least she's now." Jace said, only smirking at Kiara's words.

"Abracadabra." He said looking at the headstone.

"You people actually say that?" Clary asked with sudden interest.

"No Clary, we don't." Jace replied.

"Aw! I was finally beginning to think that there is at least something cool around here." Kiara said in a half sarcastic tone.

Jace went ahead and traced a rube on the stone.

"How did I not notice that give rune earlier?" Kiara whispered to Clary.

"Can't you stay quiet for a couple of minutes?" Clary whispered back.

"Staying quiet isn't really in my nature." Kiara replied, smirking as she glanced sideways at her sister.

As soon as Jace was done tracing the rune, he along with Alec turned the top of the stone as if it was a lid. Inside was what seemed like a chest full of weapons. Or at least that what Kiara assumed, seeing as they were looking for weapons.

"Whoa!" Clary said.

"Where's Mrs. Milligan?" Kiara continued, voicing the question that was in Clary's mind as well.

Clary went ahead and picked up a blade.

"Don't touch that." Alec said, turning to her. "You don't know how to use it."

"She can always learn." Kiara said as she picked up one herself and twirled it.

"What, like at Pandemonium when I killed that demon?" Clary asked Alec, in what Kiara thought was a tone full of attitude.

"Firstly, stop ignoring me. Secondly, Clary I'm sorry but you were quite useless. You killed nothing. That demon was thrust into the blade you were holding. And you nearly, oh no wait-you did- cry afterwards." Kiara said.

"Can't believe I'm saying this but, exactly! What she said-" and then Alec was cut off by his parabatai.

"Alec!" Jace said. "I'm going to show her the right way to use it."

Alec gave Jace a look as Jace turned to look at the weapons.

"Do you see what you need in here?" He asked.

Alec turned to look at the weapons as well. "No. There's no now in here. I need one. I have to rune some arrows. That's back at the institute." He said.

"What do you mean, rune some arrows? Is there a rune that can conjure...." Kiara said trailing off when she saw Alec's look and decided it was not the time. "I gotta go." He said, turning back to Jace.

"Well, how are you going to get back in the institute?" Jace asked, following Alec who was already a couple or so steps away.

"Go in the back. Won't bother me if I'm alone." Alec said.

"And leave me to fend for myself when I throw up because of these love birds." Kiara muttered, adding to Alec's words.

"Okay. Good. Go." Jace told Alec after shooting Kiara a small glare. "I can finish up here." Kiara could tell that Jace didn't like this by his face but knew better than to say something.

Alec sighed before turning around. "Hey..I know what we need to do. And I trust you, parabatai, but don't ever doubt me. No matter what I said." He told Jace.

"It's already forgotten." Jace said as he held out his hand which Alec took.

"I'll see you at dawn." He told Alec as he put his other hand behind Alec's, basically squeezing Alec's hand.

"At dawn." Alec promised.

With that said, Alec walked away.

"I'll go with him." Kiara told Jace who nodded, giving her a small smile.
All the potterheads here, do go and check out 'Clandestine' a Harry Potter fanfiction at my profile. If you like my writing even a little, I'm sure you'll love it.

And heyy everyone. Hope you all liked this next chapter is Kialec (Kiara + Alec) all alone. As for the shipping name, do comment if you have any other ideas. All reviews and votes are appreciated.

So, do vote, comment, follow and share. Thanks!

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