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"Do you need more time?" The handler asked as I was laying on Bucky's legs.

He'd told me a little about himself, which was just his and the blonde man's name as well as the people be lived with's names; as well as a few descriptions to go with said names.

Bucky shook his head and scratched my ear.

"Do you want to keep her?" Steve asked and Bucky gave a small nod.

The handler grew a large smile, "I'll go get the paperwork and a few of her things," he practically ran out of the room.

I moved off of Bucky's legs when he held his arm out to Steve, which he took and pulled Bucky to his feet.

Steve looked down at me.

I was standing at Bucky's left side. "She's cute," Steve commented, letting me sniff his hand.

The handler walked back in the door, holding my vest, a leather leash, and a clipboard. "Okay, I have the paperwork," he handed the clipboard to Steve and kneeled next to me, "She needs to wear this vest everytime she goes out okay? So people know she's working and shouldn't be interfered with,"

Steve was signing papers, "I can do that," the handler showed Bucky how to put on the vest on me. He handed the leash to Bucky, who clipped it on my vest.

"She knows all the traditional commands and she can detect firearms and bombs. So if she barks, I'd listen,".
When we got to their home, which was a large tower, Bucky released me from my place on the backseat floorboards. He grabbed my leash and the three of us headed inside.

When Steve closed the door to the garage, we stepped into an elevator.

Must be a fancy house to have an elevator, or an apartment building.

When the doors opened, only then did Bucky let me off leash.

I started investigating everything in the room with interest.

I was very pleased to find nothing threatening in the room. But there were quite a few closed doors...

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