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Natasha drove up to the vets office about thirty minutes later.

Clint carried me out, Natasha looked at me pitifully.

"He's going to beat himself up for this..." Clint sighed and crawled into the car, holding me.

Lucky followed.

The ride to the tower was almost silent, traffic outside was the only noise. When we got in the garage, Steve was there.

I perked up my ears and twitched my tail.

Steve opened the car door and took me from Clint, "Hey Tack," he greeted me quietly, as if he were talking to a child.

Steve took me to the elevator, Clint and Lucky followed.

The doors opened revealing Bucky and Steve's floor.

The living room looked different. There was a large box full of blankets with a food and water bowl inside.

Steve gently laid me down in the box, "FRIDAY, you can tell Tony's vet assistant he can come up,".

There was a click of acknowledgement.

A few seconds later, Pietro appeared with a guy I didn't recognize.

Pietro approached my box slowly, "Hey Tack," he greeted, extending a hand to pet my head.

My tail wagged in response, the other guy silently started to work around my box.

I yawned widely as Pietro scratched behind my ear.

"She's tired, the drugs they have her on are pretty strong. I'm surprised she isn't sleeping." The other guy informed, I'd forgotten he was there...

Pietro frowned, "I will let her sleep now." was all he said before disappearing.

Clint left the room with Lucky and Steve started working on his laptop on the couch.

The other guy stayed for a more minutes before leaving.

I fell asleep not long after that.

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