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I darted out to challenge the attackers.

Their outfits were almost identical in design to the American military.

I figured I knew a few of the weak spots it was more than likely to have. I launched myself at the leading man, sinking my teeth into the throat.

Two of the other men started to shoot at me as I leapt off the dying man. They were horrible shots, and their barrels were long, not suited to short range.

I jumped between the two, causing them to shoot each other before I chased after the last two men, who were jogging over to the tree I sheltered Bucky behind.

I jumped on the man closest to me, biting the back of his neck. I bit down as hard as I could, trying to get rid of him as quickly as possible to fight the other.

I ran after the other man, he turned around quickly with a pistol in his hand, firing two shots.

One grazed the side of my neck, the other went through the flesh of my shoulder. I was not deterred.

I tackled him to the ground before I crunched onto his hand, before going for the throat.
When the last man died, I ran over to Bucky, who was starting to wake up.

"Bucky?!" I heard what sounded like Steve.

I barked loudly as I sat beside Bucky. I sniffed him over to look for any visible injuries, there were none.

I figured he'd have a concussion from the explosion.

"Tack?" I heard Steve call, I barked again.

Bucky blinked awake as Steve ran around the tree, wearing his suit, shield in hand.

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