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"HYDRA decided to plant bombs in a secluded section of the park where Bucky and Tack were,".

Everyone seemed suddenly more alert, "Are you okay?" Bruce and Natasha were the first to ask.

Steve answered for him, "He has a concussion, but Tack fought off the agents. The explosion threw Bucky against a tree and knocked him out,".

Everyone looked at the wrapping on me, Clint kept petting my head muttering, "You poor baby," repeatedly.

Bucky sat down on the couch.

I continued to let Clint pet me until Steve said, "Bucky go take a shower, Clint, you want to give Tack a bath?"

Bucky got up and Clint nodded eagerly. "Lucky's on my floor, so now we can have doggy play dates!" Clint exclaimed, jumping onto his feet and practically running out of the room.

I walked after him, careful not to strain my wounds.
Eventually, I got to Clint's floor, "Lucky! I have a new friend for you," I heard Clint say.

"Really? Who is it?"

I limped through the door, "That would probably be me." I tiredly chuffed, lingering in the doorway.

The dog, who I presumed was Lucky, had yellow fur and one of his eyes seemed to be sealed shut.

Lucky's attention snapped towards me, and he got up from his seated position.

He ran over to me with his tail wagging, "Who are you? Where'd my human find you?" Lucky asked excitedly.

"I'm Tack, Bucky's my human," I told him, puffing my chest. Displaying my pride in my human.

"I haven't met-" Lucky was cut off by Clint

"Okay guys, time for a bath,".

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