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I pulled out my phone and checked it as I heard it ding.

I frowned when I saw the contact name and stopped my run.

Sam ran over and stood next to me, "What is it?"

I unlocked the phone and showed Sam the message from Bucky. "Okay? It says he made it to the tower. I don't see anything wrong with that Steve,".

I pulled up Tony's contact and hit call, "Bucky hates texting, that's the only text he's sent me that doesn't say 'k'. Something's wrong Sam,".

I heard something crash over the phone, "Whatcha need Cap?"

Sam was trying to overhear my conversation. "Is Bucky at the tower?"

I heard a distant, "No sir," from JARVIS.

"No why?"

I felt my face fall, "Someone has Bucky."

I told him. "Son of a-"
I woke up in agony, my legs felt like they went through a meat grinder.

I looked around, I was on the side of the dumpster that didn't give me a view of the street, so no one could see me.

I heard the pads of something entering the alley, followed by footsteps. "Tack?" I heard a familiar voice bark.

I whined and the steps ran down the alley.

Lucky appeared from the side of the dumpster.

Clint appeared a few seconds later. "Oh god Tack," was the first thing to come out of Clint's mouth.

Clint talked his ear, "I found Tack, she isn't looking to good guys." Clint said.

Lucky sniffed me, "What happened to you?"

He asked as he sniffed my legs. "They took Bucky," was all I told him as I tried to get up.

"Woah Tack, easy, take it easy." Clint said as he picked me up and ran with Lucky out of the alley.

We headed to a nearby parked car.

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