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I woke up when I heard something fall in the hallway. I bolted upright with a growl.

Bucky quickly sat up with a knife in his hand. Where had that come from?

We both hopped off the bed and darted over to the door.

I heard something scrape lightly against the hallway floor.

Bucky silently opened the door and visibly relaxed.

"Sorry!" I heard from the hallway. It was Steve, "I dropped my phone." Steve offered as a weak excuse.

Bucky folded his arms, "This is why we can't have nice things Steve," before closing the door.

I looked over at Bucky and sat, it was obvious that he wasn't going back to bed.

Especially with the shot of adrenaline Steve had just given him.

I picked up a leash from the floor and offered it, Steve was leaving for his run. We could go with him.

Bucky grabbed it and opened the door, "Steve?"

I heard steps walk back towards the door, "We're going with you."
Bucky was ready in five minutes and we walked to the park in twelve.

I stayed close to Bucky's side as we walked the track, Steve was running.

About half an hour later, someone joined us on the track, it was Sam.

He set to a jog and Steve lapped him as Sam lapped us, "On your left,".

Sam frowned, groaning loudly, but continued to jog. "Don't you start that shit up again Steve!" Sam yelled.

There was a distant, "Language!"from Steve.

Bucky rolled his eyes and continued to walk.

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