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I barked at Lucky, "Where's Bucky?"

His somewhat happy demeanor changed, he flattened his ears. "We still haven't found him yet," Lucky told me.

I tried to get up, the woman put a firm, but gentle hand on my side. "Easy girl, you aren't healed,".

I growled at her, Clint frowned, "When should she be able to go home?" He asked putting a hand on my muzzle.

The woman hummed for a moment, "That depends on whether or not you have the proper care for Tack at the moment. She can't get up and will continue to need a catheter until she gets prosthetics, if she refuses them than she'll need it permanently. She will need a comfortable space with food and water in immediate vicinity. Don't let her get up or move much, she may pop the stitches." The woman informed Clint while removing her hand from my side.

I licked Clint's hand, I wanted to go home. I wanted to find Bucky.

Lucky looked at me pitifully after the woman spoke, "We won't be able to play or go on walks," he sulked, ears drooped.

"Not for a while at least," I reassured him, shaking my head and neck.

Clint's phone dinged, gaining both of our attentions. "My friend said she's getting a space ready for her,".

The woman nodded. "You can take her home, but be careful with transport." She cautioned while looking over her clipboard.

"Well that looks like everything, I'll let you have the room until her space is set up at your house." With that, she left the room.

The three of us sat in silence.

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