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Attention was turned to me as soon as I made a sound.

The male had stopped, but the redhead kept walking. She looked like the woman Bucky had described as Natasha. The scent of gunpowder got stronger as she did.

Only when I bared my teeth did she finally stop.

"I think she smells your gun Nat," the man who'd come in with her said. He went and sat down, he looked like Clint.

Natasha grabbed a pistol from her waistband and put it on the table.

Bucky unclipped my leash, so I darted over and grabbed the gun in my jaws. I brought it back to Bucky, who took it and put it on the table in front of him.

Natasha sat at the table, looking annoyed. She sat as far away from me as she could.

Bucky clipped my leash back on as their meeting started.

I didn't feel the need to know what it was about and I could tell there was no threat, so I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up when someone clapped their hands once, "Okay, I guess we're done then, everyone go start getting ready,".

I stood up and watched everyone start to leave the room, Steve went with them.

Bucky got up only after everyone had left, going into the elevator.

The doors opened to the floor I assumed he lived on. If he lived here then I knew I didn't have to check for anything, it should already be safe from any triggers.

He took off the leash and sat on the couch in the living room.

I sat by his feet and gave him the remote in case he wanted it. I yawned and looked at Bucky, who had been staring at me.

He patted the couch cushion beside him, "Come on Tack,".

I jumped onto the couch and sat.

Bucky moved to lay down on the couch, he grabbed my vest and pulled me towards him so I was on top of him.

He took off my vest and I laid down more comfortably, my head lay where his shoulder meets his arm.

We both fell asleep not long after that.

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