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It took three weeks before they found Bucky's trail.

It took another two to find him.

A week after that he was back at the tower, but he wouldn't visit our floor.

I only knew he was there because Lucky kept me updated. I was happy that Lucky had put our past conflicts behind us.

"He hasn't come out of the storage room," Lucky told me, laying in the box with me.

I yawned, "I wish I could go with him..." I sighed, laying my head on the blankets.

"I tried to get him to come see you, I think he thought I was you until he saw me,".

I twitched an ear, "How so?"

The elevator opening cut off any response Lucky had.

I lifted my head to peer over the edge of the box.

Steve exited the elevator, alone. I sighed and laid my head back down. "Hey Tack," Steve said as he approached my box.

"Oh, hey Lucky. So that's where you went..." Steve mused, rubbing our heads before sitting on the couch.

I heard Steve turn on the TV. "Maybe Bucky doesn't want me anymore..." I said sadly.

Lucky went rigid, "He has to want you! You're his companion like I am Clint's!" Lucky barked.

Steve hushed him.

"If he still wanted me, then why hasn't he come to see me?" I asked.

Lucky stood up and ran out of the room, taking the stairs.

Steve watched him go, "I wondered what's got him all riled up..."

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