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The elevator doors opened, revealing my dark and seemingly empty living room.

I put my shield down against the wall before moving over to the coffee table to put on some TV, but the remote wasn't there.

I turned to see if Bucky had left it on the couch.

I was very surprised to see Bucky sleeping on the couch with Tack, he didn't sleep in the open. He always said it was unsafe.

Tack woke up after I took a few pictures, she stared at me for a bit before yawning and laying her head back down.

I had a smile on my face as I went to my room to take a shower and go to sleep.

I woke up the next day, before Bucky did.

He looked perfectly peaceful and had no fear scent, so I knew he wasn't having a nightmare.

I heard Steve get up and start to freshen up a few rooms away. I watched as he came into the room and noticed Bucky and I were still on the couch.

He was smiling when he left he floor in exercise clothes.

Bucky woke up a few minutes after Steve had gone. He got up and grabbed some food from the kitchen.

I watched Bucky as he multitasked and got dressed while eating. I followed him to make sure he didn't fall.

We headed into the elevator when he was finished.

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