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When Bucky decided that there were too many people, we headed back to the tower on our own.

Steve chased us to the exit, "Call me when you get back okay?"

Bucky nodded, "C'mon Tack," Bucky muttered as we started to walk in silence through alleyways to get home.

I didn't like it, but it was much quieter and emptier.

We were a few miles away when someone started talking, "Longing, rusted, seventeen,"

Bucky doubled over with a small, "No."

I looked around, I didn't see anyone and I couldn't smell. There was no one here! I nudged Bucky with my nose as the voice continued.

"Daybreak, furnace, nine,".

Shortly after another sounded, "Benign, homecoming, one, freight car,".

Bucky completely froze.

I sniffed at him again with a small whine.

I heard steps approaching the alleyway, "Soldat?"

I heard Bucky mumble something in return, but I was already going after the guy. I was yanked backwards by my leash, I looked at Bucky.

His eyes were empty and his face emotionless. "Incapacitate the dog soldat,".

I wasn't sure what that meant, but I tried to get off the leash as Bucky pulled it closer.

Bucky pulled me off my feet, using my collar. He dropped me on top of a dumpster; I landed on my back.

I tried to flip over, but he got ahold of one of my back legs and squeezed it tightly. I practically screamed as I felt the bones in my left back leg crunch.

I thrashed violently as he reached over and latched onto my right front leg, doing the same to it.

He pressed his elbow into my throat so I couldn't screech this time.

Black spots started to dance in my vision as I was thrown to the ground.

I was forced to watch Bucky and the man leave the alleyway.

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