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We were in the car for around fifteen minutes tops, when the car stopped.

Clint jumped out with a, "Thanks man,".

Lucky followed Clint as he ran into the building carrying me. "I need some help here," Clint called as he entered the building.

The secretary jumped to her feet and a few employees wearing scrubs opened a door to see what was going on.

When they saw me, they opened the door completely and ushered him inside.

Lucky followed.

I was placed on a metal table and watched as Clint and Lucky were forced out.

A plastic mask cover was placed over my muzzle, everything went black after that.
I woke up feeling numb and dizzy, and also covered in thick gauze. Again.

I lifted my head and looked around, I was in another kennel... Great.

I sighed and laid my head back down.

A few minutes later, I heard a door open and steps approach my cage.

"Good morning Tack," an unfamiliar, enthusiastic voice said.

A face appeared on the other side of my cage, I stared at her.

The woman unlocked my cage and picked me up, proceeding to walk out of the room and into a small room that had- Lucky and Clint?

My tail wagged when I saw the two.

Clint looked sad, "You couldn't save them?" He asked.

The woman put me on the table gently. "We could've let her keep them, but she would never be able to move them and she would've fallen over constantly. Doctor Richard said this would be much easier for her," the woman said as I lifted my head to look at Clint.

The woman grabbed a pamphlet from a drawer, "We recommend you give these guys a call, they can make her prosthetics,".

Wait... prosthetics? I looked at my legs and saw that I was missing up to the knee on my front leg and about the same on my back leg.

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