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I helped Bucky as he sat up with a groan, rubbing the back of his head.

"Steve?" He asked as he looked around at his surroundings. Bucky's eyes landed on me as I moved to stand in front of him, favoring my right leg.

"You're bleeding," he informed me.

'Thank you for noticing Bucky,' I thought to myself.

Steve offered Bucky a hand, which he took. Steve clipped his shield to his back and picked me up, holding me like a human would a baby.

"I found them!" Steve called, Sam appeared as Steve peered from behind a tree.

Sam was crouched beside the first man I'd attacked. He looked up, his eyes almost hidden through the glass in the goggles.

"What happened Barnes?" Sam asked as we walked over to meet him.

Bucky rubbed the back of his head again, "I... don't know, all I heard was an explosion and everything went black,".

Sam walked over to the two bodies of the men who'd shot each other. "Three of these guys bled out, these two got shot in the chest." Sam declared before looking at me.

"And I think that one killed them," he told them.

Steve looked around, "We should call SHIELD cleanup," he said, just as sirens shrieked in the distance.
It took about an hour before we got back to the tower.

The ambulance that had showed up wrapped my neck, legs, and the front of my torso.

Miraculously, no one else was injured.

The three of us walked into the living room that everyone used, everyone was in it too.

"What happened?" Clint exclaimed, getting up and petting my head while looking at the medical wrapping around me.

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