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Bucky decided to take me for a stroll about two weeks later.

This was unusual because we always had another person tag along with us.

We were walking through the park when the scent hit my nose, explosive powder. The section of the park we were in was relatively empty in appearance.

I stopped and started to growl.

"Tack?" Bucky asked as I only growled louder in the direction the scent was coming from. I could feel the fur along my back stand.

Bucky took out his phone and started to call someone. "Steve, I'm at the park and Tack sensed something, I can't see it,".

I heard a faint, "I'm on my way," through the phone and Bucky started to walk in the opposite direction.

I growled and started to pull Bucky backwards, away from the new explosive and gunpowder scents.

An explosion sounded from in front of us, sending us flying backwards.

Bucky slammed into a tree, while I skidded across a cement path.

My legs were skinned, my vest saved my body from the same treatment.

I jumped to my paws and ran over to Bucky.

He wasn't conscious, the few civilians that had been in the area were gone now.

I grabbed Bucky's wrist and dragged him away from the explosion site and behind a tree.

I distantly saw a black van screech to a stop, the back doors slammed open and out came five, fully uniformed soldiers. But they couldn't be American soldiers, they were wearing black and their representation was an octopus looking thing.

It was difficult to see from a distance, but they were running towards us.

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