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Apparently, Lucky did not like baths.

So Clint carefully wiped all the filth off of me with a wet, soapy wash cloth.

Lucky was pawing at the bathroom door, trying to escape.

"Baths aren't bad," I told him.

He growled, "They're horrible! He covers me with water and I feel twenty pounds heavier and the stuff in the bottle stinks!" Lucky growled at me.

"Lucky behave," Clint said in a scolding tone as he dried my fur.

When he was satisfied that I was dry, Clint turned on the faucet and started to mess with the temperature.

I limped over to the fluffy rug that was in front of the sink and laid down.

After a few minutes, the water turned off. I watched Clint grab the leash from the counter above me.

Lucky scratched at the door, more frantic than before.

I watched Clint put the leash on Lucky before picking him up, carrying him to the bathtub.

As soon as Lucky touched the water, he tried to jump out.

I put my head on my paws, "If you let him do what he wants, then you'll be able to leave faster," I told him, sounding bored.

I glanced at Clint, who was tying Lucky's leash to a bar in the bathtub.
Almost half an hour later, Clint finally opened the bathroom door.

I limped out of the room and Lucky almost ran me over trying to get out of the bathroom. I growled at him.

"Lucky calm down!" Clint scolded.

Lucky kept going and disappeared into a room down the hall.

Clint rolled his eyes, "Let's get you back to Bucky."

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