Fight Between Friends

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Lifelessly, Lucy sat at her usual spot at the bar, her mood horrible. As usual, the guild was loud and crazy, but today Lucy was feeling down. Concerned about her well being, Mira walked over to her, curious as of why she was in such a bad mood.

"Lucy, is something the matter?" The bartender asked, caring as always. Lucy pouted, and rested her head on the counter.

"Yeah, actually something is up." She grumbled slightly, a dark look in her eyes.

"You can tell me about it. It might make you feel better." Thinking about Mira's suggestion, Lucy looked up at her.

"Well you see, it all started with that mission Team Natsu took a couple of days ago."


Team Natsu and Lisanna had decided to do a mission. It wasn't a very difficult one. They just had to find some berries in the mountains. The reward was quite high too. They took the train there of course (much to Natsu's dismay) and arrived at the client's house. They knocked on the old wooden doors and an old woman appeared.

"Hello. We are the mages from Fairy Tail." Erza introduced, while the old woman stared at the five.

"Why hello. You are here to do the request, am I right?" The old woman asked.


"The berries are located on the highest mountain. I must warn you though, there is a Wyvern on the top and it is very possessive of it's food." The old woman warned, before closing the door.

Startled by her actions, the team stood there motionless for a few minutes, but then began to walk in the direction of the mountain. On the hike Lisanna kept complaining about how cold she was, and she decided to cling to Natsu. Lucy on the other hand was not pleased by her actions, but she decided to ignore it. When they reached the top they were met with a very big white Wyvern.

"Lucy we'll distract it you go gather the berries." Erza order.

Natsu tried attacking it but he couldn't and it didn't help that Lisanna was clinging to him.

"Lisanna! Get off of me!" Natsu yelled trying to shake her off. This only caused Lisanna to hug him tighter.

"Hey Lisanna, stop clinging to Natsu, and help us!" Gray said attacking the Wyvern.

"At least I actually have clothes on, stripper!" Natsu yelled. Gray stopped attacking and went looking for his clothes before Erza killed him. Lisanna on the other hand wouldn't let go, and Natsu's fists were still on fire, and Lisanna's weight didn't help. He lost his footing and slipped, his fire burned all the berries to ashes, including the basket Lucy was collecting the berries in.

"NATSU!" Erza yelled giving him her death glare.


Since all the berries were burned, they had no choice but to retreat and apologize to the client. Lucy had to do most of the apologizing even though it was Lisanna's fault.

Erza on the other hand was not pleased with Lisanna and how the mission went.

After Lucy finished the story, Lisanna who was nearby decided to butt into the conversation.

"It's not my fault. You should've picked the berries faster." Lisanna said checking her nails.

"At least I actually did something instead of clinging to Natsu. It wouldn't make a difference how many berries I picked because the basket was set on fire anyways, and all the berries were burned." Lucy said trying to get her point across, making Lisanna fume in hatred.

"Lucy's right Lisanna. You could've at least done something instead of just clinging to Natsu." Mirajane told her sister. Not long after, Lisanna began to sob, but at the same time Natsu came over.

"Lisanna, why are you crying?" Natsu asked her, making Lucy and Mira shake their heads. It was so obvious that she was faking, but Natsu didn't seem to notice.

"Lucy said we failed the mission because it was my fault. It isn't my fault she's weak." Lisanna cried sobbing into Natsu's chest. Natsu became angry.

"LUCY! IT'S NOBODY'S FAULT! AND LISANNA'S RIGHT, YOU ARE WEAK. YOU ALWAYS RELY ON US TO PAY YOUR STUPID RENT! YOU CAN'T EVEN FIGHT FOR YOURSELF-" Natsu stopped when he saw Lucy shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes were hidden under her bangs, a stream of tears rolled down her face and hit the guild floor. Everyone became quiet.

"Lucy I-" Natsu was cut short. He regretted yelling at Lucy.

"You're right Dragneel, I am weak. I do rely on others to pay my rent. So what? Not everyone is as strong as you! I hate you Natsu!" Lucy yelled running out the guild doors. The doors shut with a loud bang, and the room filled with silence again. Lucy had never called him by his last name. His heart hurt. He felt sad, regret, and anger. He was angry at himself for saying those harsh words to Lucy. He regretted it.

'I hate you Natsu! I hate you Natsu! I hate you Natsu!'  Lucy's words kept replaying in his head. He fell to his knees. He remembered the look on Lucy's face when he yelled at her. The only emotions that her faced shown was that of betrayal and hurt. He had tears streaming down his own face now.

"Natsu! You know she a fragile girl, so go apologize to her before I slit your throat!" Erza threatened, holding a sword to his throat. She didn't need to tell him though. He was already on his way to Lucy's apartment.

"Lucy, I'm so sorry..." He whispered.

He didn't know that hurt look on her face was the last emotion he would see from her for the next three years...

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