Hidden Beneath The Dirt

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Lucy's feet ached as she hiked up the mountain. She had to get to that waterfall that Kaito took her too, even though she had no clue where it was. She had fallen asleep last time he took her there, so she had no idea where it's exact location was. She sighed, and sat on a nearby log.

She could easily call out one of her spirits, but she decided that she needed to do this on her own. She didn't even tell Natsu where she went, and she had a feeling that she was going to get lectured when she came back.

She needed to find Kaito though. She no longer had dragon slayer powers, and it was like she never knew him. Lucy had asked her other friends where Kaito was, and no one even knew who he was. She confronted Mira about it, and she had said that she never had a pairing called 'Kailu'. According to Natsu, she had just woken up from a coma, and she had never left Fairy Tail. Lisanna was still at Fairy Tail, and she wasn't as mean as Lucy remembered she was.

Lucy shook her head in confusion, and stood back up. She continued to make her way up the mountain, and a part of her felt panicked.

What if Kaito wasn't real? What if she was dreaming this whole time? What if they were... lying to her? Lucy dismissed the negative thoughts, and instead replaced it with a rather funny image. She could imagine Natsu's face after reading the note she left him. She giggled to herself.

She actually wouldn't mind that much, having Natsu as a husband.

"What if she's hurt?! Or worse, kidnapped?! Maybe even held as a hostage?! I mean I'm not saying she's weak or anything... In fact, she's one of the strongest people I know. Being strong doesn't always mean you won't get hurt, right?! How could she just run off like that?!" Natsu rambled, as he grabbed his hair in frustration.

"Natsu, I think you should stop worrying. Lucy's going to be fine." Mira assured, laughing at the dragon slayer's reaction.

Earlier That Morning~

"Lucy, I'm home!" The dragon slayer announced, as he entered their house. He had left to go buy some food, since Lucy had just woken up from her coma. Usually she was weird, but after waking up, she was even weirder. How the hell could she forget that they were engaged? It hurt him that she did not remember, but he was happy that she was back.

He waited for her to respond, but heard no answer. Being an idiot that he is, he assumed that she was still sleeping, so he put the food on the counter. It was about 11 in the morning, but he always thought that she slept a lot.

Acting as a ninja, he snuck into her room (she requested a separate room, because turns out that before she was in a coma, she and Natsu shared a room) and saw a lump on the bed. He gave a mischievous grin, and leaned towards the lump.

"Lucy if you don't wake up, then I'm going to give you a 'Good Morning' kiss." 'Lucy' did not move, causing Natsu to smirk. He closed his eyes, and lifted the blanket up, giving 'Lucy' a kiss. 'Lucy' screeched like a madman, and when Natsu opened his eyes, he was met with a teary eyed Exceed.

"Natsu! How dare you kiss me?! The only person who is supposed to kiss me is Charles (Carla, Charlie, etc)! I'm going to tell Charles you kissed me!" Happy threatened, as flew out the window. Natsu stood frozen, as the taste of fish filled his mouth. His eyes widened in realization, as he quickly wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

He cringed in disgust, still tasting the raw fish in his mouth. He looked around for his mate, and found her no where. He began to panic, and he almost tore the whole house apart looking for her. He finally looked on her desk, and found a note.


I'm going to go look for Kaito. None of you guys said you knew him, but I remember him from somewhere. I'll be back in a few days, so don't worry.

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