Natsu's Date

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Lucy woke up in the morning, and bent down to look at her ankle. She was surprised when it was wrapped up with bandages.

'I don't remember wrapping my ankle last night.' She thought, rubbing her eyes. Her ankle (for some unknown reason) felt surprisingly warm, like a fire. She looked around her room for anything missing, but found none. She let out a breath of relief, as she got dressed, and headed towards the guild.

After Gray's date with Lucy, he too had also caught the sickness. Natsu didn't understand why his rivals got sick after their dates with Lucy, it was a mystery to him. He decided (because Natsu's dense) to ask Mira instead of worrying his head over the issue.

"Mira, why is stripper and bluey sick?" Natsu asked the bartender, feeling as though he was missing out on something.

"You see Natsu, after their dates with Lucy, the love bug bit them." Mira explained, smiling at Natsu's stupidity. "That's what causes them to get the love sickness."

"Oh. So Lucy is the one that gives them the sickness?" He asked, not really understanding her words.

"I guess you could say that Natsu. They just get bitten by random. Who knows, you might be bitten by one too, Natsu." Mira teased, watching Natsu's reaction. He turned from a shade of pink, to a scarlet red. She giggled, while he tried to hide his blush in his scarf.

Natsu turned his attention to the guild doors instead, when he smelt a sweet scent in the air. After identifying the scent, Lucy appeared in front of the guild doors. Like every other day, she greeted everyone, but this time she took a seat with Levy.

"Lucy, what happened to your ankle?" Levy asked, pointing to the wrapped up ankle.

"I went ice skating with Gray yesterday, and I guess I kind of fell. I'm fine though." Lucy replied, trying to convince her best friend that she was fine. Levy agreed, and dropped the subject.

Moments later the two bookworms were well, talking about books. Gajeel stood near the table, and was leaned against the wall. He hid in the shadows and watched a certain bookworm, an amused smile on his face. Levy though didn't seem to notice him there, because she continued on with her conversation with Lucy. However, the conversation about books didn't seem to last. Levy had decided that they would move on to a new subject; boys.

"Lucy, how was your date with Kaito and Gray?" Levy asked, an innocent smile on her face.

"It was really fun." Lucy admitted, shivering at her best friend's expression. Levy smirked, and gave Lucy the 'eye'.

"Which date did you like better?" Lucy shivered at the question, and didn't know how to answer it.

"I don't know."

"Ne Lucy," Levy said darkly, getting closer to Lucy's ear. "Do you want to go on a date with Natsu?"

Lucy blushed, a dark scarlet, and shook her head. Her brain was going into overdrive at the moment, and Levy backed away from her wearing a smirk. At this point Lucy had to say that her best friend has been around Gajeel too much.

"I...N-No...I-I d-don't k-know." She sputtered out, steam coming from her cheeks, and ears.

Natsu, who was sitting at the bar noticed his best friend's dilemma. He was going to help her, but he came up with a better idea.

"Yo Lucy!" He greeted, walking up to her. He smirked to himself as he noticed her face. She looked like a tomato and a strawberry, making Natsu almost drool.

"H-Hi N-N-Natsu." She greeted him back, unable to control her stuttering. Her stuttering just added to his (already dangerously high) ego.

"Are you free tomorrow?" He asked, while Levy was in the background smirking. She was about to respond, but he cut her off.

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