Dragon Slayer Of Water

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After Natsu disappeared from Lucy's view, she broke down. She felt her head hit something hard, and she looked up to see a blue-ish black-haired boy comforting her. Lucy had to admit though, he was quite cute. Lucy wrapped her arms around the boy, and sobbed into his shirt. He stroked her back, and whispered soothing words into her ear. After what seemed like eternity, she rested her head against his chest, and fell asleep.

The guild was quiet. Too quiet. It was as if Lucy took Fairy Tail's joy, life, and happiness with her. The once lively guild was now dull, gloomy, and silent. The members hadn't gotten proper sleep, so each guild member had bags under their eyes. The people of this guild were depressed and sad. They also felt rage and anger for their Salamander, Natsu Dragneel. It was all his fault.

Mira's once warm and happy smile, was now a sad frown.

Erza's strawberry cake sat untouched on the table. She didn't even look at it.

Gray's clothes were still on his body.

Juvia didn't stalk Gray. She was too sad to do so. Even though Lucy was her love rival, she was still her friend and because of her mood, it always rains.

Cana's alcohol sat in a dark corner of the room, untouched.

Levy's books were all locked away. She stopped reading, because it reminded her too much of her best friend.

Elfman wasn't saying 'manly' things anymore.

Master sat at the bar, drinking a lot of alcohol. He was drunk, but he just kept drinking.

After a while, the guild door opened, and everyone looked in that direction, hoping it was Lucy. They looked away when they saw Lisanna, and Natsu. Lisanna skipped in happily, humming a random tune. Natsu followed. His shoulder slumped. He had bags under his eyes due to lack of sleep. Lisanna asked a question, and said something, that made everyone want to murder her.

"Why is everyone sad? Shouldn't this be the lively guild, Fairy Tail? I mean shouldn't you guys be happier now that Lucy's gone? She was just a burden after all. Now that she's gone, we have that extra weight off our shoulders." Lisanna said innocently, hissing at Lucy's name. At this point, everyone was glaring at Lisanna.


This sound echoed throughout the guild. Lisanna held her left, now swollen cheek.

"Natsu..." She said looking at him. He glared at her.

"Don't you ever talk to my Lucy like that ever again!" He yelled. After he yelled that he ran out the guild doors, with Happy following him.

"Natsu, wait for me!" Happy yelled, going max speed.

After the doors closed, everything became silent again. No one dared utter a word.

Lucy's eyes opened slowly. She got up and looked around.

"Where am I? I remember falling asleep on the train..."

"You're at my place." A voice answered. A handsome, and muscular man stood in front of Lucy. He looked just like Natsu, only he had blue-ish black hair that looked similar to Gray or Jellal's hair style. He had dark blue eyes that looked like the ocean.

"Who are you?" She asked him, tilting her head a bit.

"Oh, my name is Kaito. You were crying on the train, and I comforted you." He said, giving a toothy grin.

'Just like Natsu...'  Lucy thought. She scolded herself for thinking about him.

"My name is Lucy. And are you a mage?" She asked him.

"Yeah. I'm a dragon slayer." He said proudly.

"What kind?" She asked curiously.

"Water." He answered, blushing a bit.

"By the way, can you tell me why you were crying?" He asked Lucy.

Lucy teared up a bit, but decided to tell him. She told Kaito about her best friend Natsu, and Fairy Tail. She explained all the happy moments, but then it got into the sad ones. Her fight with Natsu, and she decided to leave the guild. Kaito listened the whole time, not interrupting her. After she finished he hugged her. Lucy blushed a bit, but dismissed it. After a while he pulled away and looked straight into Lucy's chocolate colored eyes.

"Now, Lucy, how would you like to become a dragon slayer?" She pinched herself, but only regretted it afterwards. This wasn't real, she had to be dreaming.

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