Valentines Day

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Lucy rubbed her eyes tiredly, before yawning.

"What day is it today?" She asked herself, looking over at her calendar. She looked at the next blank day, that just so happened to be circled with a heart. Her eyes widened, as she scrambled out of bed. She did a few stretches, before walking into her room to change.

In a few minutes, she walked out wearing a red skirt, and a pink shirt. Today was February 14, her favorite day. She would receive lots of chocolate from her friends, fans, and strangers that made her mouth water.

Lucy walked over to her bed ready to straighten it, when she saw a bump. Her eyes widened, as she threw off the covers. She was met with a sleeping, (not to mention) snoring man. She sighed, and put her hand over her heart, trying to calm herself down. When her heartbeat returned to normal, she kicked the intruder off of her bed. He landed on the wall with a loud 'SMACK' before slumping down.

"Lucy~, what was that for?" He rubbed his now red face, and pouted. "That really hurt."

The celestial mage puffed her cheeks, and looked away.

"Well, you were in my bed." She stated, a blush creeping it's way up her cheek. He was just too kawaii with that expression. "If you have nothing to say, then I'm going to the guild now."

"Wait! Lucy!" Natsu yelled, stopping her from opening the door.

"What do you want?" She felt annoyed at the dragon slayer, but stayed.

"Try this Lucy, I made it!" Before she could respond, he forced something into her mouth, making her chew. She easily recognized it as chocolate, and continued chewing.

This chocolate was perfect. It was sweet, smooth, flowing, spicy...wait, SPICY! Her eyes widened in alarm as she pushed past Natsu and ran into the kitchen. Natsu looked at her in confusion, before following her. Lucy on the other hand was busy chugging down water, and spitting out Natsu's so called 'chocolate'.

When her taste buds finally cooled down, she slammed the cup down causing Natsu to jump in surprise. Natsu yelped in fear, and backed away from Lucy.

"You..." She hissed, her glare rivaling Erza's. She walked towards him slowly, before he hit a wall.

"Aye!" He yelped, shivering at Lucy. In that moment, Natsu Dragneel felt his life flash in front of his eyes. Boy was he a goner.

Lucy hummed, as she walked her way to the guild. She was still excited for Valentine's Day, that was something that Natsu and his 'chocolate' couldn't ruin. She walked near the river, and yelped when something jumped out, landing in front of her. She recognized the man, and gave him an odd look.

"Yo Lucy." He greeted casually, forgetting that he even jumped out of the water.

"Hi Gray." She greeted back.

"Here Lucy, try this!" He said, before shoving something into her mouth. She sighed, and sucked on the chocolate, letting it melt in her mouth.

"This is pretty good." She complemented, but felt something hard in the middle of the chocolate. Assuming that it was an almond or nut, she bit down. She regretted her actions though. She screamed bloody murder, as she ran around screaming her head off. What she assumed was a nut, was actually a piece of ice. Her tooth ached, and her brain was frozen.

After screaming for what seemed like hours, she stopped and looked at Gray. She gave him a glare, and marched over. Gray shivered, and trembled in fear. He waited a few moments, but nothing came. He looked at Lucy, who had a bright red blush on her cheeks.

"Lucy, what's-"

" PERVERT!" She screamed, causing him to look down. He had indeed stripped, but his boxers were missing too.


Lucy entered the guild, a small smile on her face. She still wasn't going to let Natsu and Gray's 'chocolate' ruin her day.

The guild was covered in pink, red, and hearts.

"Lucy, Happy Valentine's Day!" Her best friend exclaimed, running up to her. She handed Lucy a box a chocolates, making her eyes twinkle.

"Levy, Happy Valentine's Day to you too!" She cheered back, giving Levy a box of chocolates in return. The two sat down at a table, and started talking about books. Somehow though, the topic got changed to boys.

"So~ Lucy, do you like anyone?" Levy teased, causing Lucy to blush.

"W-What! N-No!" Lucy denied, her cheeks burning. Levy was about to tease her more when Gajeel walked over.

"Oi Shrimp, I have to talk to you." Gajeel grumbled, looking in another direction. He had a blush on his face, looking everywhere except for Levy. Lucy smiled knowingly, and got up from her seat. She gave Levy a mischievous smile, before walking towards the bar.

"Hi Kaito." She said, looking in his direction.

"Hi Lucy. I was wondering if you could try this chocolate for me." He said, causing Lucy to freeze. She had to try chocolate again?! She looked over at Kaito, who handed her a piece of chocolate. She sighed, and plopped the chocolate into her mouth. She could trust Kaito, right?




Wrong. At first it tasted fine, but after the thin layer of chocolate dissolved, it showed her it's true taste. The inside was made purely of water, and little to no chocolate. There was way too much water inside the chocolate, overpowering it. It instead tasted like mush, or thin chocolate. She choked on it, as she hastily grabbed a cup of water. When she finished, she gave Kaito a look.

She grabbed her whip, and threw him into the sky. He disappeared with a sparkle, and Lucy sat down satisfied.

She talked to the over members, and gave chocolates to them too. They gave her chocolate too, making her mouth water in anticipation. When she was finished, she took her seat on a bar stool. She was going to relax, when a cute blue neko walked to her.

"Lucy~, can you try my chocolate?" He asked, handing her a piece. Her eyes widened when she heard 'try' and 'chocolate' in the same sentence.

"No." She answered quickly, looking over at Happy. He slumped dejectedly, and looked at Lucy with his cute, teary eyes. She felt her heart clench, and stared at Happy's sad eyes. She let out a sigh, and shook her head.

"Fine." Happy jumped, and flew around her. She grabbed a cup of water, before putting the chocolate in her mouth. Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell.

"Lucy, what's the matter?" The neko asked worriedly, landing on top of Lucy's head. Lucy let out a squeal as she pulled Happy into a hug.

"That chocolate was amazing!" She said excitingly, before planting a kiss on Happy's forehead.

Happy looked away bashfully, and flew in circles.

Meanwhile, three boys sulked in the corner of the guild.

"I lost a kiss from a...a...a...a...neko..."

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