The Game

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Lucy groaned, as the sunlight hit her face. She rolled around, before rubbing her tired eyes. That was the best sleep she had gotten in ages. Feeling the need to stretch, she pulled her arms above her head, and hit something hard.'That must be my pillow.' she thought carelessly, continuing to stretch. She froze suddenly. Wait, since when has she had a hard pillow? Her eyes widened in realization, as she pushed the 'thing' off her bed. The 'thing' landed on the floor with a loud "THUD", and was followed by a groan. Lucy held a couple of golden stars in her hand as she looked at the 'thing' on the floor. The 'thing' rose suddenly, and the blanket fell off of it.

"PERVERT!" She screeched, throwing the stars at the intruder.

"Lucy, is that the way you wake up someone?"

"Yeah Lucy, I thought we were nakama."

She looked up, and saw Natsu AND Kaito pinned against her wall with the stars she threw. She released a sigh of relieve, before realizing that Natsu and Kaito were still pinned up against her wall.

"Gomen ne Natsu, Kaito, I thought you two were intruders." She blushed a bright red, clearly embarrassed of her actions. She paused of a moment, before realizing the situation.

"Why the hell are you guys doing here?! This is my house!"

"Now you realize we're here? The window was open, and last night you didn't seem to have a problem with us being here, you were snuggling with us!"

"Mira, do you know where Natsu, Lucy, and Kaito are? They are awfully late." Erza asked, stabbing her fork into her strawberry cake.

"I don't know Erza, but they should be coming soon though. Knowing Natsu, he probably snuck into Lucy's apartment again. They're just the perfect couple, but Lucy and Kaito are cute too! So are Gray and Lucy!" Mira replied, going into matchmaker mode.

"Mira, you think almost every couple is cute. I thought you shipped Gruvia?" Erza asked, continuing to eat her cake.

"I did, but now I ship Nalu, Kailu, and Graylu!" Mira said. She got that twinkle in her eyes.

"What couple do you support Erza?"

"I am fine with whomever Lucy ends up with, as long as she is happy, and they do not hurt her. Personally though, I prefer Natsu with Lucy. Kaito is still new here, so I'm not sure about him. Gray is more like her big brother, rather than a boyfriend, even after his outburst three years ago." Erza stated simply, going back to her cake.

Mira pondered over Erza's words for a moment. Natsu and Lucy were partners, Natsu did save Lucy from Phantom Lord, and Natsu did catch her when she was blasted from the Infinity Clock. She shook her head, and started cleaning the beer mugs. It was true that Kaito was still new, but he was Lucy's friend. She had to agree with Erza that she didn't mind who Lucy ended up with, but a small part of her wanted Natsu to end up with Lucy. She quickly dismissed the thought, and went back to her cleaning.

Not long after, the guild doors slowly opened revealing Lucy. She smiled happily, greeting people as she entered. Behind her was a beat up Natsu and Kaito. They had bandages wrapped around their foreheads, and they both had a black eye. Natsu's was on the left eye, Kaito's was on the right. Gray, - who was at the bar -, starting sweating as he watched Lucy make her way to the bar.

"Hey Lucy, what happened to flame-head and Kaito?" Gray asked munching on his ice.

"I found them in my bed when I woke up, and so I decided to give them a lesson." Lucy said innocently, flashing Gray a sweet smile.

"No harm done right?" Gray looked at Lucy's cute smile, and blushed.

"R-Right..." He sputtered out. Secretly, he felt jealous that Natsu and Kaito got to sleep in the same bed as Lucy. He regain his composer, and walked over to Natsu and Kaito.

"I knew you were a pervert flame-brain!" He said, laughing his guts out. Natsu turned his head in Gray's direction, looking extremely pissed.

"I'm the pervert?! Says the one with no clothes one!" Natsu countered. Gray stopped laughing, and locked his forehead with Natsu's.

"Dragon boy!"




The two kept throwing insults at each other while Kaito and Lucy watched. She clutched her stomach, and started laughing. Natsu and Gray stopped fighting, and looked at Lucy.

"You guys never change, do you! You're like 5 year old's in an 18 year old's body!" She laughed, clutching her stomach. Natsu and Gray responded with a "Hey!" to her last comment, but she ignored in and continued laughing. After a while she stopped laughing, and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"But that's why I love you guys!" She absentmindedly said. She grinned at the two, and returned to her chat with Mira, unaware of Natsu and Gray standing there grinning like idiots. They both had a small blush on their cheeks which Lucy did not notice, but Kaito manage to catch.

Kaito could feel the pit of his stomach starting to bubble up in jealousy. He glared at his two 'rivals'. Natsu and Gray finally snapped out of their own little world, and caught Kaito's glare. They glared back, and they stood like there for a few moments.

Kaito smirked, and casually slung his arm around Lucy's shoulders. Lucy blushed and squeaked in response, while Mira squealed. Natsu watched with burning jealousy growing in the pit of his stomach. Gray also watched, a frozen sensation at the pit of his stomach. They both grinned at each other, and smirked back at Kaito.

'Game on.'

~ How do you guys like the story so far? Let me know in the comment section!

                                                                                                                   XOXO: Mia ~

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