The End?

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~ Sorry for the wait you guys! I've been going through a LOT lately, but I am finally free to write again! Please comment what you think of the story, and how you think it could be improved. Enjoy chapter 17, The End? ~

"Luce, you ready to go to the guild?" Natsu yelled, causing Lucy to sigh a bit.

"I'll be there in a minute." It had been two months since Natsu's confession, and his emotional breakdown. She had put all of events behind her, reminding herself that it was nothing more than a dream. She put down her pen, and walked out of her apartment.

She was greeted by a fairly energetic Natsu, who hastily grabbed her hand, and laced it with his. They had been datingfor two months now, and Lucy couldn't be happier. Natsu was the perfect gentlemen, and boyfriend. She found herself falling for the dragon slayer even more everyday. Lucy giggled softly, and pecked Natsu's cheek.

"Let's go."

Natsu had slowed down the relationship a bit for Lucy. They had agreed that he would make her fall in love with him, then he would propose again. At first, Natsu was reluctant due to the fact that he thought his Lucy might be taken away from him. After she had gave him a kiss on the cheek, and a hug, he couldn't help but agree.

The two walked into the guild, where they were greeted by guild members. No one had really teased them anymore, because at one point, they were engaged. Natsu gave Lucy a quick kiss, and walked over to Gray.

"Oi, ice freak! Fight me!" Gray gave Juvia a hug, before walking over to his rival. 

"What did you say, flame spit?!"

"I think you heard me loud and clear, unless you're growing old and deaf."

"Well then, I'm an old man who can kick your ass!" The two glared at each other, before starting an all out brawl. Lucy sighed at her childish boyfriend, while Juvia cooed at her 'Gray-sama'. 

Lucy walked over to the bar, and was greeted by Mira.

"So, how's your relationship with Natsu?" Lucy blushed, and played with a hair.

"It's good. He's such a sweetheart though. He does whatever I ask him too, and he's just too sweet!" Lucy gushed, squealing a bit. "On our first date, he took me to this expensive restaurant, and he paid for everything!"

"Ara ara. Someone's in love." Lucy blushed a bit again, and her blush intensified when she felt familiar arms wrap around her waist. 

"Who's in love?" His hot breath tickled her ear, causing her to shiver a bit. 

"I think Lucy is, Natsu." Mira claimed with a smile. Natsu smirked, and sat down in the next stool, pulling Lucy into his lap. She yelped when he nuzzled his head into the rook of her neck.

"I bet she is." He murmured, taking in Lucy's sweet scent. Lucy felt a shiver go up her spine, as she hastily changed the subject.

"We haven't taken any missions since I've woken up. Why is that?" Lucy felt Natsu tense under her, but she ignored it.

"Well," Natsu scratched his head sheepishly. "You don't need to pay rent anymore since we have a house now. Also because we're kind of loaded."

Lucy's eyes widened, as she turned around and looked at Natsu. "How much?"

"Last I checked, it was about...
 Natsu trailed off, avoiding eye contact with Lucy.

"How much?" Lucy asked again, but Natsu didn't reply. She got an idea, and knowingly smirked. "If you don't tell me, I'll move out of the house."

Natsu's eyes widened at her threat, as he looked to see if she was joking. When he saw nothing, he brought Lucy closer to him.

"Ten million jewels." Lucy choked on her spit, and looked at Natsu.

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