The Mission That Went Wrong

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"Engaged!" Lucy shouted, pulling back from Natsu. "What do you mean I'm engaged to you?!"

After hearing Lucy's statement, a look of hurt flashed through Natsu's eyes. He slowly lowered his eyes, his bangs now covering them. Lucy stopped screaming, and noticed that Natsu had become quiet.

"Is getting married to me really that bad?" Natsu murmured, turning his head. Realizing what Lucy had said, her eyes widened. She didn't answer, leaving Natsu dejected.

"I guess it is..." Natsu whispered, making his way to the door. Lucy broke out of her trance, and ram towards Natsu. Her muscles ache for some reason, but she kept running. She ran towards him, and hugged him from behind before he left the room.

"That's not what I meant. I'm just shocked. Gomen ne Natsu." She whimpered, tears forming in her eyes. "Don't leave me..."

Her begging, caused Natsu to tense up. He turned around, and pulled her into his chest. She soaked his shirt, but he didn't care, because he had tears in his eyes too. He pulled back slightly, and looked at Lucy in the eyes.

"I will never leave you." He said, causing her to start sobbing again.

Lucy had stopped crying, and Natsu had carried her back to the infirmary bed. He went into the bed with her, pulling her close to his chest. She started to relax, and melted into his arms. They laid there in silence, enjoying each others company.

"What happened to me, Natsu? Last I remember, we were going on a date until I fainted." Lucy asked, breaking the silence. Natsu pulled back, and gave her a questioning look.

"A date?" He asked, feeling confused. Lucy, now gave him a questioning look, and sighed.

"Yeah, a date. You took me on a date to the carnival, and then when you kissed me, I fainted." Lucy explained, nervously. They had gone on a date right? She felt extremely nervous at Natsu's confusion. She turned her attention back at Natsu, who had an unreadable look on his face.


"Yeah, I remember that date." He said, flicking her forehead. "You weirdo, that was like 4 years ago. How do you still remember it?"

Lucy froze in her spot, and looked at Natsu. Four years ago, that wasn't possible. She had just fainted, and now she woke up. She felt a wave of fear hit her, and she trembled in Natsu's embrace.

"Lucy, what's wrong?"

"Four years ago!? That's not possible!" She screamed, throwing yet another tantrum. She had never felt so scared in her life. What time is it? What day is it? What year is it? Natsu called her name multiple times, but she ran out of the infirmary, ignoring his cries.

She didn't make it far, before she bumped into someone. She fell back, and rubbed her head, looking up at the person.

"Gray?" She questioned, looking at the male in front of her. Upon hearing his name, he looked up.

"Lucy?" Gray asked, feeling nervous. She nodded, as he reached up and pulled her into a hug. The timing was horrible, because in a matter of seconds, Natsu caught up with Lucy. He felt his stomach boil, and his fists clenched.

"YOU ICY BASTARD! GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY WOMAN!" Natsu growled, before tackling Gray to the ground. Gray and Natsu started started punching each other, while Lucy stood there helpless.

"She's my friend too you know!" Gray said, punching Natsu on the jaw.

"Well, she's my woman, my mate!" Natsu countered, punching Gray across the cheek.

"STOP!" The two males took their attention to the blonde that glared at the two. She walked over, and pulled Natsu off of Gray, helping Gray up.

"Sorry about Natsu, Gray. I just woke up, and he said I was engaged to him." She explained, giving a smile. Gray gave her a weird look, before opening his mouth to speak.

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