Gray's Date

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"Ohayo Minna!" She greeted, making her way to the bar. She sat down in her usual spot, and ordered a milkshake.

"Ara, ara, you seem happy today Lucy." Mira said, giving Lucy her milkshake. "Is it because of your date with Kaito yesterday?"

Lucy blushed a beat red, and her happy mood died down.

"How did you know?" She asked, eying the bartender.

"Well, earlier today, Kaito came into the guild abnormally happy, and I have my resources." Mira replied, flashing Lucy a sweet and innocent smile. Lucy was taken back a bit. She didn't remember anyone following her on her date. She began to question where Mira got her spot on information from. She was about to ask her, when Gray walked up to her.

"What's up Gray?" She asked curiously. Lucy wondered why boys walked up to her all the time now. She didn't complain about it though, because secretly she liked the attention.

"Um...Lucy, are you free tomorrow?" Gray asked, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. Mira was jumping in the background, squealing in delight.

"Yeah..." Lucy replied, unsure of what to say. Gray looked at her, with almost the exact same look that Kaito had.

"Then Lucy, please go on a date with me."

This week just couldn't get more weirder. Yesterday, Gray had asked her out, and two days before that, Kaito asked her out. She was choosing her clothes again, and for her this felt like a major Déjà vu. Didn't she have trouble picking out an outfit when she went with Kaito too?

She sighed, and shook her head. She had trouble deciding on which outfit to pick, but she ended up with plain and simple white dress. She quickly put it on, and applied some makeup. She checked the time, 11:30AM. Her date with Gray was at 12, so she still had 30 minutes. She sighed, and walked out of her apartment, and headed towards the guild.

Gray was sitting on his stool, waiting patiently. He had been nervous about his date with Lucy, that he had many sudden urges to strip. For Lucy's sake though, he kept his clothes on.

After his 'confession' three years ago, Juvia had stopped stalking him. He rarely saw her at the guild anymore, and she went on a job almost every single day, causing him to worry.

He looked at Natsu who was sitting on one of the tables, watching the door like a hawk. It was as if he was trying to open the guild doors with his mind. Gray laughed at the idea. Kaito had gone home after a little while, because (according to Mira) he was lovesick. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

After a while, the guild doors opened, revealing a very pretty Lucy. He sat there and gaped at her. Natsu on the other hand, looked at her as if she was a piece of meat. He had a fairly noticeable blush on his cheeks, and he was...drooling.

Gray sat there like he had seen an angel. Lucy walked over to him, as he brought his hands up to his face, and pinched himself. When Lucy did not disappear, he realized that he was neither dead nor dreaming. This Lucy was the real deal. He quickly stood up, and walked over Lucy.

"You look beautiful Lucy." He complimented, causing Lucy to giggle and blush. He put his hands together, and formed an ice rose, that he gave to Lucy.

"Arigato Gray, it's really pretty." She said, looking at the rose. He grinned at her, and walked towards the exit. She froze in her spot, like he had used his magic on her.

"It's not a date if only one person goes you know?" He teased turning around. Lucy pouted and ran after him.

"Gray, why are we going into a forest?" Lucy asked, feeling a bit uneasy. She didn't understand why she felt uneasy. This was Gray after all.

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