Winning Lucy Heartfilia's Heart

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"Kaito, what's the matter?" Lucy asked feeling concerned. Kaito had been a bit jumpy ever since this morning, and she had no clue what was going on.

"It's nothing Lucy...N-No need t-to worry!" Kaito sputtered back, feeling a bit embarrassed.

He avoided eye contact with Lucy, and instead looked wildly around the guild. Lucy eyed him skeptically, before deciding to dropping the subject. She sighed, and made her way to the bar. After she left, Kaito let out a sigh of relief, before walking over to Natsu and Gray. Natsu and Gray noticed him walking over, and motioned him to take a seat in front of them. He pulled out the chair, and sat down, looking at his rivals.

"So, today is your turn, then it's my turn, and finally it's pinky's turn." Gray said, confirming what they had been talking about. The two other boys nodded, and gave Gray a confirming look. Natsu and Gray sat in their chairs, giving Kaito an envious look. They wanted to stop him so badly, but they remembered their agreement.


Earlier That Day~

"Stupid ice queen, Lucy's mine!"

"Lucy's mine, pinky!"

Currently, Natsu and Gray were arguing over who Lucy belonged to, not noticing Kaito walking over.

"So you two both like Lucy?" He casually asked. Natsu and Gray, now aware of his presence, turned their attention to him.

"Yeah, so?" They answered in unison, causing the two to glare at each other again.

"I like Lucy too, and since you guys both messed up, Lucy found her way to me. Therefore she is mine." He answered simply. The boy's eyes widened, and they had a sudden urge to punch Kaito.

"Lucy's not yours, Lucy is mine!" They both yelled back at the same time. Natsu and Gray began to fight each other again, only this time they dragged Kaito in. Gray stopped suddenly, and held Natsu and Kaito's shoulders.

"I have a better idea. Instead of fighting over who Lucy belongs to, why don't we just let Lucy decide herself." He reasoned, causing Natsu and Kaito to stop and think for a moment.

"We can each take her on a date, and see who she likes the best." He continued. "We can't interfere with each others date, and you can't cheat."

They both nodded, agreeing to the idea.

"Kaito can go first, then me, and you can go last flame head." Gray said, causing Natsu to glare at him.

"How come I have to go last?!" He countered, jealousy burning in the pit of his stomach. Gray and Kaito eyed him for a moment.

"Well, because of that stunt you pulled off yesterday, you naturally get to go last." Kaito replied for Gray. Gray and Kaito smirked at him, causing Natsu to feel nervous.

"Y-You s-saw t-that yesterday!" He exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at both of them.

"Maybe we did, maybe we didn't." Gray and Kaito smirked, shrugging their shoulders.


End Flashback

"So, when are you going to ask her?" Natsu asked. Kaito sat uncomfortably in his seat, feeling Natsu and Gray's heating/chilling looks. He let out a sigh, and scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"I don't really know. I'm planning on asking her later today, but I'm not sure." Natsu and Gray let out a sigh, before turning to look at each other.

"If you don't do your turn, then we'll never get our turns." They stated. "And if you take to long then you're breaking the rules."

Kaito was taken back a bit, and looked at them with shocked eyes.

"How is that against the rules?" He asked curiously. Natsu let out another sigh, and shook his head.

"Honestly, and I thought I was the dumb one here." He said, causing Kaito to shoot him a glare.

"If you take too long, then you could try to make Lucy fall for you. Then we'll never get our turns, therefor you cannot take a long time." Natsu stated smartly. Gray and Kaito stared at him, with their mouths wide open. Natsu gave them a question look.

"What?" He asked dumbly.

"Since when were you..." Gray started, trailing off. "So smart?" Kaito finished, earning a 'Hey' from Natsu.

"I've always been smart!" Natsu said proudly, puffing up his chest. 'No you're not. You're like the dumbest person I know.' They thought, staring at Natsu.

"Ne Lucy what happened yesterday with Natsu?" The bartender asked, causing Lucy to choke on her milkshake. She blushed a dark red, and shook her head vigorously.

"Nothing h-happened M-Mira. W-Why would y-you think something happened?" Lucy lied, laughing nervously. Mira eyed her for a moment.

"Oh Lucy, oh sweet, sweet Lucy. There's no need to lie. Didn't Natsu offer to take you home, and you guys had a Nalu 'moment'?" She innocently asked, causing Lucy to turn a darker shade of red.

"How d-did you..." Lucy asked, shocked that Mira had seen that yesterday. She didn't remember anyone following her at the time.

"I have my resources." The takeover mage answered, a wicked grin on her face. Lucy was about to answered her when Kaito walked over to her.

"L-Lucy..." He sputtered out, scratching the back of his neck.

"Are tomorrow?" Lucy stared at him with shocked eyes. She felt the blood rise to her face.

"Y-Yeah...why?" She asked, feeling hot all of a sudden. Kaito took a deep breath, before looking at her straight in the eyes. He felt confident all of a sudden, and decided to use it.

"Lucy Heartfilia, will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"

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