The Path That We Choose

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 "Yes." Gray whispered softly. After he had said that, he felt Natsu's fist against his cheek. He was sent flying across the guild, until he hit the wall. The spot where Gray had crashed had a huge dent in it. Gray fell down, as the debris cleared. He just laid there, silent, and motionless.

"Why?!" Natsu yelled, giving off an intense heat. He made his way to Gray, and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Why, Gray?! I thought you told me you didn't have feelings for Lucy, and that you would help me get her!" Natsu yelled, shaking Gray back and forth. Gray flinched a bit after Natsu called him his name. Gray. Natsu had never called him that before. Not even when they were kids.

"Why?!" Gray looked away ashamed. For once, his rival was right. He had told Natsu that he thought of Lucy as a friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. After a while, the grip on Gray's collar loosened considerably. Gray looked back at his rival, and stared into his eyes. Betrayal, disbelief, shock, and sadness was all Gray saw. Gray looked away ashamed again, and manged to whisper out one phrase.


"Ugh, Kaito, how much longer? My feet are killing me!" Lucy whined. Kaito sighed, and stopped.

"Why did you stop?" Lucy ask, but Kaito did not reply. Instead, he crouched down and motioned her to climb on.

"Y-You want t-to carry me?" Lucy asked stuttering. Kaito smirked, and stood up again.

"Well, since you don't want me to carry you, I guess we'll just keep walking." He said, and started walking again. He smirked when he saw Lucy with a shock expression.

"Don't! You can carry me!" She yelled running after him. He crouched down yet again, but this time Lucy climbed onto his back. He stood up and started walking for a bit.

"Wow Lucy! You're so light!" He yelled to her. Lucy blushed bright red and hit his shoulder.

"Really? Because Natsu and Happy always tell me I'm heavy." After Lucy said that, she realized she had brought up her sad memory. Lucy began to cry on Kaito's back, soaking his shirt.

"I'm sorry! I'm so useless aren't I? I'll just be a burden to you." Lucy said crying harder, and harder each second. Kaito moved to a fallen tree, and placed Lucy down gently onto his lap. He slowly, cupped her face, and brought her hands down from her eyes. His ocean blue eyes pierced into her chocolate brown ones.

"Lucy," Kaito started, his voice serious yet gentle.

"You are not useless. All of us have a potential and future, but we just need to find it." Lucy looked at him, her eyes widened.

"Right now Lucy, you are a lost caterpillar, and I am here to help you become a beautiful butterfly. So don't cry. It pains me." Kaito told her, his eyes full of warmth. Lucy hugged Kaito, and rested her head against his chest.

"Arigatō, Kaito." Lucy whispered, before sleep overcame her.

Lucy opened her eyes, rubbing her temples slowly. She looked around before focusing on the view in front of her. She stared at the beautiful, majestic waterfall in front on her.

"Where are am I?" She asked no one in particular.

"We are where you will train to become a dragon slayer." A voice answered. Lucy held her breath, and turned around. When she saw it was Kaito, she released the air, and sighed.

"You scared me for a minute there Kaito!" Lucy exclaimed giggling to herself. She looked around, and looked back at Kaito; a curious look on her face.

"Where are the dragons though?"

As if by magic, two loud roars were heard.

Time skip~

Three Years Later:

The guild was loud and noisy. The guild had not been the same without Lucy, but they knew that they had to move on. Recovering was hard, but it had been years, and yet Lucy had not returned. The guild decided that it would be best to continue life as if Lucy was still there with them. She still had a spot in their hearts, and sometimes when a member spoke her name, the whole guild became silent.

Natsu had not yet moved on. His heart was soaked with regret, that at times he didn't even bother to come to the guild. Maybe it was because he loves her, and regrets yelling at her, or maybe it was because he regretted siding with Lisanna, and losing his best friend.

There was an incident once, that everyone learned a lesson from.

Never bring up Lucy around Natsu.


"I miss Lucy..." Levy said out of the blue one day. The guild stopped what they were doing, and became silent. Levy, instantly knew what she said, and covered her mouth, regretting even saying it. Everyone turned their heads to Natsu, who was currently just sitting there, with his bangs covering his eyes.

"G-Gomen N-Natsu...I-I d-didn't m-mean to b-bring her u-up." Levy spoke trembling at bit, and started to sweat because of the sudden heat. Natsu said nothing. He stood up, and punched the wall leaving a large dent.

"Don't ever bring her up again, got it!" Natsu sneered, giving Levy a glare, before running out the guild.

Levy stood silent and guilty, tears building up in her eyes.


Today though, was just like any other day. Levy was reading her book, Elfman was lecturing about being a 'man', Evergreen was scolding Elfman, Cana was drinking alcohol, Nab was looking for a request, Erza was eating her strawberry cake, while Natsu fought with Gray, and Juvia watched Gray from behind a pillar.

Suddenly, the doors flew open, and two figures walked in. Natsu broke apart from Gray, and looked at the two.

"Who the hell are you?" Natsu growled, giving the two a glare. The two said nothing. Natsu, being impatient, and ran up to the smaller figure and yelled,

"Iron fist of the Fire Dragon!" The figure did not move. Instead, spoke a sentence.

"Roar of the Water Dragon!" It hit Natsu dead on, and he was sent flying.

"How was that Kaito?" The smaller figure asked, giving a small giggle.

"That was good for your first try on someone." The taller figure replied, laughing a bit.

Natsu got out of the rubble and glared at the two.

"I'll ask you again, who the hell are you?" He threatened, observing the two. On the smaller figure, there were keys dangling on her belt. Natsu was speechless.

"Don't tell me you have already replaced your best friend," The figure removed her hood, giving him her heart warming smile. "Natsu?"

Tears formed in Natsu's eyes, as he ran towards his best friend.


~ I know, I know, sorry about the whole "Three years later" thing. Anyways, so, Lucy's back! Let's see what happens in the next chapter of...

                             Weak To Warrior!

                                                                                             XOXO: Mia ~

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