Warrior To Weak

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Natsu bounced into the guild, a wide grin on his face. He had woken up energetic, and 'All fired up!' He walked into the guild, noticing all the odd looks the members gave him. He shrugged his shoulders, as he spotted his blonde partner at a table with Erza and Gray. He hopped over and greeted them.

"Yo!" Natsu exclaimed, thinking that they were going to go on a job request. He waited a few moments, before they responded.

"Hey..." They flatly said, an emotionless look on their face. Natsu gave them odd looks, for their lack of enthusiasm.

"What's wrong?" Lucy avoided his gaze, and looked at the ground instead. Erza and Gray did the same thing when Natsu looked at them.

"Well you see Natsu," Lucy said, breaking the awkward atmosphere. "We as a team have been discussing something, and..."

"And?" Natsu repeated, not liking the tone of Lucy's voice. He looked at Lucy with curious eyes, wondering what she was going to say.

"And, we've decided to kick you off of Team Natsu." Gray answered, causing Natsu's eyes to widen.

"W-what? Why?" Natsu nervously asked, looking at his nakama's face for a hint of sarcasm. When he saw none, he backed away.

"You are too strong Natsu. This team needs weak people, and you're too strong." Erza answered, shaking her head in disapproval. Natsu's expression changed from shocked, to downright confused.

"You're kicking me out because I'm too strong?"

"Yeah Natsu. The rest of us (including Happy) are weak, and you are too strong. Instead, you will be replaced with someone weaker, like Lisanna." Lucy answered this time, causing Natsu's heart to break. He had always liked her from the first time they had met. But now they were replacing him for someone weaker, like Lisanna.

Natsu looked around the room for anyone to support him, but everyone had their heads down. Even Master looked away, meaning he was agreeing to what they were saying. Natsu gave them a look of surprise, before walking towards the guild doors.

"I understand." Natsu murmured, stopping in front of the guild doors. He turned around, and flashed them one of his heartwarming grins, before walking out the doors.

"Just watch, I'll be back. I'll come back weaker than ever." Before the doors shut though, he got a glance at Lucy, who was looking at him with dull eyes. He waved, and walked into the horizon, tears trailing down his cheeks.

"Natsu." He turned around at the sound of Lucy's voice, but found no one.




"Natsu." He looked around again, but still found no one.




"NATSU!" He covered his ears, looking around for the source of the voice.








Natsu gave a questioning look, before the whole scene turned to darkness. He opened his eyes, to find a very pissed of Lucy glaring at him.

"Who said you could sleep on my bed?" Lucy asked, crossing her arms, and looking in the other direction. Natsu just sat there motionless, causing Lucy to look at him again. She was unable to react, when he pounced on her, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Weak To WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now