Confessions Of A Matchmaker

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"Lucy, can I talk to you?"

"Sure Mira," Lucy said, moving to the seat in front of Mirajane. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well," Mira began, feeling a bit nervous. "What do you think of Natsu, Gray, and Kaito?"

Lucy turned bright red, and shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

"Well, Natsu is the one who saved me from the fake salamander and brought me to Fairy Tail. He is a very strong, caring, reliable, handsome, cute, friendly, warm, and childish. Gray is cool, caring, reliable, strong, and a great friend. Kaito, well he's the one that helped me become stronger. He's calm, caring, cute, strong, reliable, friendly, loyal, and a great person." Lucy answered, blushing. She avoided the takeover mage's gaze, feeling nervous.

"Lucy, I am fine with whomever you end up with, and I have no right to tell you who you should be with and who you should not be with, but I think you should go with Natsu." Mira said, smiling at Lucy.

She had thought over Erza's conversation yet again, and just felt like Lucy should end up with Natsu.

"W-What?! Natsu doesn't like me like that!" She denied, feeling the blood rush to her cheeks. Mira smiled and winked at her.

"You never know Lucy, you never know. Don't worry though, because I support you guys, even till the end." Lucy was about to deny it again, but Mira had already left. She sighed, and slumped in her seat.

"Natsu huh?" She said, asking no one.

"What about me?" A deep voice answered. She turned around, and saw Natsu there, grinning at her.

"Hi Lucy!" Lucy blushed a scarlet red.

"H-Hi N-Natsu!" She sputtered out, avoiding his gaze. "I think I'm going to go home now."

"Then let me walk you home." He offered, extending his hand. She accepted his offer, and she reached out and grabbed his hand.

Wait. Did THE Natsu Dragneel just offer to walk her home? Somebody wake her up, because she must be dreaming.

The whole walk to her apartment was awkward and silent. Natsu stopped suddenly, and Lucy stopped with him.

"Natsu, what's the matter." Lucy asked, feeling concerned for her best friend. Natsu stayed silent, and slowly he took Lucy's hands into his own.

"Lucy, I'm sorry for calling you weak three years ago. I was so stupid, a jerk, and-" Natsu paused when he felt Lucy hold his own hand.

"It's okay Natsu. I already forgave you for that." She whispered gently. A gust of wind blew by, making Lucy shiver slightly. Natsu noticed, and took off his precious scarf, putting it on Lucy.

"Arigato Natsu." Lucy said, not looking him in the eyes. She was relieved that the scarf was covering her blush.

"No, arigato Lucy. Arigato for forgiving me, and giving me a second chance." He pulled her into a hug, and she couldn't help but hug him back. He was so incredibly warm, causing Lucy to melt into his arms.

To Natsu, this was the perfect moment. His crush had forgiven him, and now she was wearing his scarf, hugging him, not that water dragon slayer. He felt extremely jealous that Lucy had come back with another man. He was suppose to be the most important person in Lucy's life, but he screwed up. If he had not defended Lisanna then Lucy wouldn't have left. After she left, he realized that Lisanna was in fact wrong. He had lashed out at her, and now no one knew where she was.


After Lucy left:

"Natsu, talk to me!" a short white-haired takeover mage whined. "Natsu~,Natsu~,Nat-"

"Shut the hell up!" the dragon slayer yelled, catching everyone's attention.

"It's always 'Natsu~' this, and 'Natsu~' that! I am sick and tired of you, and I regret standing up for you!" He shouted, mocking her. She stumbled backwards, but regained her composer.

"Why are you lashing out on me suddenly? I haven't done anything wrong, and besides you're supposed to be my defender, my knight in shining armor! Is the reason you're acting like this that blonde weakling?!" Lisanna yelled, screeching back at him. She looked at him, suddenly feeling the temperature rise. Wrong move. He walked straight up to her slowly, as she backed away. She hit the guild wall, and looked over at her sister.

"Mira-nee..." She begged, with tears in her eyes. Mira looked at her, then looked away.

"You need to fight you're own battles, even if you get killed." She replied, looking at the ground.

Lisanna looked at her with wide eyes, until she felt an intense heat coming closer to her. He turned her attention back to Natsu, and she was only about feet away from her. She whimpered in fear, and she saw his face. His sharp eyes were staring-not glaring at her. His face was covered in red scales, and his expression gave it that he wanted to kill.

"What. Did. You. Say." He asked slowly, pausing at every word. Lisanna only gulped, and looked around the room for help. No one dared go up against Natsu, even the mighty Titania shivered in fear.

"Listen here. Lucy is not weak. She is the strongest person I know, and you're the weakling here, so don't go calling Lucy that if you're not any better. She is stronger than you will ever be, and it is your fault that she left." Natsu stated, grabbing Lisanna by her shirt collar. Lisanna was sweating bullets by now. His eyes told him that he wanted blood. He wanted to kill.

"'re...t-the...o-one...who...m-made...her...l-leave..." She managed to rasp out. His grip on her tightened, and his temperature became hotter.

"Shut the hell up!" He screamed, throwing a fireball.

It missed her face by an inch, and hit the guild wall. The guild wall, was no more, and instead there was a fairly large whole there. The wood around the hole was burnt black. One touch, and they would turn to ashes. Lisanna's face now had a nasty burn. It was on her left cheek, and it was a gross sight to see. Lisanna shrieked, and Natsu dropped her on the floor. She had tears in her eyes, and she was clutching her cheek. He looked at her, and pointed towards the doors.

"Leave," He commanded. "Leave, and never come back. If you do, you'll leave this guild once again; as ashes."

~ So, Lisanna has left Fairy Tail. What will happen next in Weak To Warrior?

                                                                                                    XOXO: Mia ~

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