Gray's Secret

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"Me? A dragon slayer?" Lucy asked, pointing to herself.

"I thought all the dragons vanished on July 7, X777!"

After Lucy said that, Kaito grabbed her small hands in his, and looked at her in the eyes, a serious expression on his face.

"Do you want to become stronger? To prove Dragneel wrong?" He asked her, looking into her eyes. Lucy stared back into his eyes, and nodded.


Kaito then returned to his old cheerful, yet calm self.

"Well then, let's go!" He yelled, pulling Lucy to the door.

"Wait Kaito, where are we going? Where are the dragons? And how are the-" Lucy started, but got cut off.

"Lucy~ you talk too much~" Kaito whined like a 5 year old. Lucy crossed her arms, and looked at him.

"Are you saying I talk to much?" Lucy asked, trying to sound angry.

"I'm just kidding Lucy. Anyways, follow me!" Kaito exclaimed, grabbing her hand, which caused Lucy to blush.

'I can't possible like this guy right? I just met him!' She thought, blushing a darker shade of red.

'On the other hand, I think I've fallen for him.'

"Do you think she's the one?" A voice asked, looking at a crystal ball.

"I'm positive." Another voice said looking at the ball.

"It's been rough since Igneel and the others vanished huh?"

"Yeah. It gets very lonely..." Another voice said, with a hint of sadness.

"That's because we're the only ones left..."

"Dammit! This is all your fault!" Gray yelled punching a nearby wall.

"I know it is, alright!? I didn't mean to yell at her! It just...came out!" Natsu yelled back, furious.

"You know I love her, and I didn't mean to hurt her feelings!"

"Lucy doesn't deserve you! I'll never let Lucy end up with you, because...because she's mine!" Gray countered, accidentally blurting out the last part. After he said that, everyone stared at him like he was a ghost. Gray, realizing what he just said, looked at the floor.

"You- Lucy too?" Natsu said, breaking the silence.

"Gray! You have fallen for Lucy?" Juvia asked her 'Gray' hoping for a 'no' answer. It didn't come though. Everyone just stood there in silence.  After what seemed like eternity, Gray whispered out a word that caused Natsu's blood to boil, which was...


"Lucy, by any chance do you know how to hike?" Kaito asked Lucy. His expression showed that he already knew the answer.

"No." Lucy replied. Kaito sighed.

"I thought so..." He whispered to himself.

"Why? Are we going hiking?" Lucy asked him. She tilted her head to the side, and in Kaito's opinion, he thought it was (Although he wouldn't admit it) cute.

"You could say that." He said, and walked ahead.

'What did that mean?' Lucy thought. She kept trying to figure it out, but little did she know that Kaito in front of her, had a smile on his face, and red tinted cheeks.

~ Sorry about this short chapter... see you all next chapter!

                                                                                        XOXO: Mia ~

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