Kaito's Date

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"Now, what should I wear for our date?" Lucy asked herself. Her date with Kaito was today, and she had no clue what to wear. She rummaged through all the clothes she had, before deciding on an ocean blue sundress. She quickly put in on, and walked over to her mirror. She was amazed at how she looked, but she felt like something was a bit off.

"Blue isn't really my color, I'm more of a pink person... This dress matches Kaito's hair though, so I'll wear it." She finally decided, before walking over to her bathroom mirror to apply her makeup. She combed her hair, and applied lip gloss. When she was finished, she walked out of the bathroom, and looked at the time.

She sighed when she said the time. 11:45AM. Her date with Kaito was at 12, so she still had 15 minutes. She walked over to her keys, debating whether or not she should bring them to her date.

'It's going to be fine,' she thought finally, opening the door to leave. 'I have Kaito with me, and I'm a dragon slayer myself.'

She quickly made her way to the guild, ignoring the stares that she received from the civilians. When she finally made it to the front of the guild, she opened the doors quietly. When the guild doors opened revealing her, she was met by silence. Everyone looked at her as she made her way to the bar. She looked over at Natsu and Gray who both seemed frozen. They watched her every move, and she couldn't help but blush at their gaze. Levy was the first one to talk to her.

"Lucy, your dress is so kawaii!" Her best friend cooed, making her laugh.

"Arigato Levy!" She cheered back. After Levy had talked to her, the guild had returned to normal. Natsu and Gray were still frozen though, and they stiffened even more when she walked up to them.

"Ohayo Natsu, Gray!" She greeted waving her hand at them. They unfroze, but they looked around the guild nervously.

"Ohayo Lucy." Natsu said, avoiding eye contact. He did not know why he was no nervous. She wasn't on a date with him today, she was on a date with Kaito. His name, made Natsu's stomach boil in envy, but the feeling quickly went away when he looked at Lucy. Damn, why did she have to look so gorgeous today. Her intoxicating scent made its way to his nose, causing him to suppress a drool. Kaito, that lucky bastard.

"Ohayo Lucy." Gray greeted back, feeling nervous like Natsu. He did not understand why he was so nervous, it wasn't even his date with Lucy. He looked at Lucy for a moment, but immediately regretted it. She looked like an angel that had flown down from heaven. He looked away again, a dark blush on his cheeks.

Lucy noticed how the two seemed nervous, and she was about to question them, when someone hugged her from behind, causing her to squeak.

"You look amazing today." The person whispered into her ears, causing Lucy to shiver. He put Lucy down, and she turned around a bit alarmed. She calmed down when she saw who it was.

"Arigato, Kaito." She thanked, feeling a bit bashful. He gave her a grin, before bringing her closer to him.

"So, you ready for our date?"

"Ne, Kaito where are we going?" Lucy asked, looking around the town. Lucy felt a breeze hit her, and the smell of salt filled her nose. She thought for a minute. 'What place has a breeze that smells like salt?' she asked herself. She snapped her fingers, and looked at Kaito.

"We're going to the beach aren't we?" She asked him. He froze, and turned around. He looked at her, with teary eyes.

"Lucy~ you cheater! You smelled it didn't you!" He accused, pouting. Lucy couldn't help but laugh. Kaito smiled at her, and they continued to the beach.

When they made it, there were many people on the beach. Today was an abnormally hot day, and almost everyone was in the water, or in the shade. Lucy eyes widened in surprised, and looked over at Kaito. He had a calm, and relaxed expression on his face. His expression changed though, when he reached for a bag. He bowed down, and handed it to her, his bangs covering his eyes.

"What's in the bag Kaito?" She asked curiously. He paused, a dark blush on his cheeks.

"It's...clothes! So...um...go change." He said nervously, before shoving the bag into her hands, and pushing her into the restroom. When he left, Lucy sighed and opened the bag. There was a baby blue towel in it, and some sunscreen. She took out the rest of the stuff, and she felt the blood rise to her cheeks. She pulled out a navy blue bikini, and screamed.


"Stripper, isn't it against the rules to spy?" The pink-haired man asked, feeling a bit guilty.

"No it's not flame head. If you remember clearly I said, 'No cheating, and no interfering with each others dates'. I never said no spying. As long as we don't get caught, we're going to be fine. And wasn't this your idea to begin with?" The navy-haired man replied, peeking at Lucy and Kaito.

"I know it was my idea, but I only wanted to follow her because I don't feel safe with her alone with him!" He argued back, a small blush on his cheeks.

"Oh my, Natsu-kun~ are you jealous?" He mocked, mimicking Lucy's voice. Natsu was just about to deny it, when Lucy walked out of the woman's room. She was dressed in nothing but a navy bikini, causing the stalkers Natsu and Gray to almost have a nose bleed.

"I don't regret following them."

"Me either."

'This is so embarrassing!' Lucy thought, feeling everyone staring at her. She waiting for Kaito, who came moments later in swim shorts. She blushed when she saw him, and had to admit that he had a nice body. He had build, and had a nice 6-pack like Natsu and Gray. Kaito caught her stare, and smirked.

"Like what you see?" He teased, watching how red her face went. She shrieked, and stood in front of him, unaware that she was giving him a better view of herself. He blushed when he saw her, and turned his head attempting to hide his blush. She saw his blushed, and gave him a smug look.

"Like what you see?" She teased back, he turned a darker shade of red, before grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the ocean.

"He's so hot!"

"Damn, she's sexy!"

"They're such a cute couple!"

People commented, causing Lucy to blush.

'This is going to be a long day.'

After playing in the ocean for a bit, Lucy became tired. She and Kaito changed, and Kaito walked her to her apartment.

"Arigato for today." Lucy thanked. She leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before running into her apartment. When she entered her apartment, her heart was pounding in her chest.

'I kissed him!' She thought, blushing a bright red. She decided to take a bath, and clear her mind for a bit. She grabbed her pajamas, and made her way into her bathroom.

She was unaware that Kaito stood frozen outside of her apartment. He touched the cheek she had kissed, still feeling her lips lingering there. He sighed, and walked towards his house, a smile and blush on his face.

Kaito was in love.

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