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It was kind of cloudy outside, signaling to rain later as school was dismissed for the day. There was a good feeling around even though it was only a Thursday.
Students walked out of school screaming and yelling at each other without a care in the world if they got in trouble or not. Papers scattered the floor, bits, and pieces of food here and there as well.
It was what you would consider a normal day of school.

You carried your books out of school with you as your shoes hit the cool slightly molded pavement. Walking out the front gates you saw your group of friends already standing outside, laughing and talking together.
After reaching them past the teachers, you set your books down, careful not to set them on ants or chewed up gum. Which I will tell you now, is not a good thing.

"Heyyy," you said while laughing.

"Hiii," one said.

"How's life? Because mine is shit."


"Oh perfect, mine too."

Everyone just talked about random stuff together while you waited for everyone to have left. You would just walk home anyway, so it was no big deal. Your parents worked late and you lived too close to take the bus home, so that was the only option left.
You got a few hours to yourself at home, so you took it.

"Bye!" You yelled to the last friend as they walked to their car.

They waved back and you turned to leave.


Just taking your sweet time to get home, you had bought some food from a small shop on the way there. It was the best type of candy in the world.
Your favorite candy.

Your stomach dropped as the thought came to you that you should have brought an umbrella with you to walk home with. An aura of annoyance crossed over as you knew the rain would be here any minute.

As if on cue, thunder struck, shaking a pane of glass in a window, and rumbling in your ears. It caused a few dogs to start barking in yards nearby.

Speeding up your walking a little, you walked along a wall of bushes in front of a row of small apartments. They were white with the sun casting yellow shadows in some places.

As you waved to a passing driver a few noises came from behind the bushes. Eyeing them you felt your heart race a little. You didn't consider it dangerous, you just wanted to avoid it.

The wind whipped through the branches as you walked. Hearing another clatter followed by what sounded like talking, you felt the adrenaline rush through your body.
Reaching the end of the bushes, you turned to look at the gap between the end of the bushes and the start of another building. Right then something covered your mouth and eyes as you dropped your books with a loud 'whoomp.'
Shoes scraped the pavement as you kicked at empty air.
Light laughter could be heard as hands held onto your arms and legs.


Rain ran down your face as you stared at the water below. The wet wind whipped through your hair while some stuck to your face as the wind blew.

"What, are you afraid of a little water?" Henry joked.

"Just let me go!" you yelled.

"Pssht, whatever you say."

And with that, he let go, his hands shoved into your back and you fell. Your body quickly slammed into the water followed by it shooting into your nose and mouth.

Your arms and legs tried, but nothing happened. You just sank.You couldn't swim for anything. You'd never learned how to. Flashes of color swept your line of sight as you saw the last rays of day rippling through the water.


You painfully coughed up water and rolled over gasping for breath on the cold wet dirt. Your nose stung and you tasted heavy salt on your tongue. You also would have tasted like salt, your clothes were covered in sand.
Straining open your stinging eyes, you saw the last person that you expected be next to you.
Victor, his clothes soaking wet.
You coughed even more as you rolled over again, trying to sit up.
"No," he said while pushing you back down again.
Rain fell as you continued coughing.
He stood up and suddenly grabbed your arm.
Before you could even say anything he slung your arm over his shoulder.
You didn't really know or care where he was taking you, he'd probably kill you later anyway.

After a while, you got curious and asked the worst possible question.

"Are you gonna kill me?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"No, crazy face. I'm not gonna kill ya."

"Oh, ok."

He walked for a little longer and went to a house in an unfamiliar neighborhood. He brought you inside and sat you on a couch.

All he said was "wait here," and he walked away.

Part two???

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