The Dance

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The days go by quickly and soon it’s time for a school dance. Since I finally got my casts off and I decide to go out for once. Jacob, a boy with grey eyes and a big fake smile, takes me. He wanted me to get out of my shell and see what I’ve been missing for the past couple months. Since my parents died and my friends back away from me, I’ve been alone and Jacob is the only one who got close to me and tried to get me to break down my defenses. It never works and he’s stuck feeling downright upset that he can’t get me to trust him.

That night I wear a knee length purple dress that is plain and simple. There is no glitter or sequins or anything sparkly on it.  When Jacob picks me up from Sarah’s house,  he whistles in appreciation after looking at me up and down.

“Wow, Kells, you look amazing.” I blush slightly.

“Not as good as you, I hope.” He was wearing a light purple dress shirt with a black tie with purple details. His black slacks were pressed and starched. He looked like he should be with someone who wasn’t sad and remorseful all the time. I felt my face fall as I realized that he was doing this for me, the girl who killed her parents.

“Hey now, there’s no need for you to feel guilty. You look absolutely stunning compared to me. Let’s go so we can good seats, ok?” I nodded solemnly.

We get to the school gym and save our seats near the back since Jacob knows I don’t like to be the center of attention.

“Jacob,” taking a deep breath and continue with the words that I hate to come out of my mouth, “I want to thank you for helping me keep my spirits up, but I think you should just leave me to my thoughts, okay? I know you deserve better than me. I have so much to me that no one knows and I’m just better off by myself.”

“Why are you saying that kind of thing, Kells? Did I do something wrong? Why are you-”

“It’s nothing to do with you. I just have so much going on in my mind ever since the car accident and the move. And,” And I have a murder on my hands,  “and I would rather be by myself.” I finished my reasonings and waited for his reaction. Surprisingly , he took it well.

“Okay, if that’s what you want. Have a good night, Kells.” He bows to me and walks away slowly.

“Finally he’s gone.” I gasp and turn around quickly to see Danel right behind me. “I mean, seriously, he saw that coming. Anyway, care to have a dance before I eliminate you?”

“Danel! What are you doing here at a school dance?”

“Oh, I figured that I better do what is necessary at a public place where no one will know who did it. So are you coming or what?”


Author's note: Jacob is a boy who has trouble deciding between doing the right thing and being liked by others. He chooses to do the right thing and helps Kelsey out and tries to keep her talking and smiling, no matter what it took. Kelsey chooses to let go of him and shove him out of her life because she is taking his body heat because of her powers. She doesn't realize this until later. (I'll be writing about this soon.)

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