The tiger

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A white, beautiful tiger jumps into the giant fish bowl cage and leaps atop a stool. It sat upon its hind legs and raised its paws into the air with the sound of the whip. The tiger leapt onto another stool and Matt's father pulled them further apart as the tiger leapt from each one. On the last jump, I held my breath, ready to help out the animal if necessary. The beautiful, white tiger assessed the jump  and leapt into the air and landed on its front paws, quickly shifting its weight to balance carefully on the stool.
I clapped for a long time, carefully dispersing the sparks that were currently surrounding my hands. The tiger ran around the cage with its trainer staying just behind the animal, keeping it moving. A hoop was passed through the bars of the cage and the graceful animal leapt through it over and over again. The tiger opened its mouth on command and Matt's father fitted his head inside the tiger's maw. Matt stiffened next to me and I calmed him down by blowing a slight breeze around him and me. His father took his head out and bowed as the crowd clapped and cheered him on.

My focus was drawn to the tiger who was looking as though it was coughing up a hairball. All I wanted to do at that moment was to stroke the poor animal and comfort it. It calmed down after a while and I blew a wind towards it so it could cool down a bit. It looked up and stared straight at me and tilted its head to the side.

By the time I focused on the people in the ring, Matt's father had stepped out and Mr. Maurizio had taken his place. He dismissed Dhiren and thanked everyone for coming out to the circus. A small breeze made its way through the circus and I picked up the scent of jasmine and sandalwood. My heart started pounding like crazy and I couldn't stop myself from shaking uncontrollably. I ran out as soon as the kids started to run out of the building. Someone followed me but I didn't care at that moment that I was about to fry someone. I ran until I could no longer breathe and still the person chased me.

"Kelsey! Wait up! Where are you going?" Crap, Matt is following me.

"I'll be back. I just need some fresh air." I yell back at him.

"Let me come with you then."

"No, I-I just need some space for a little bit."

"Alright, just be careful. Come back to the big tent when you're feeling better."

  I focus and wipe off the blood from my nose. I pull my arms back and let loose a series of fire and water blasts. After I used up most of my pent up energy, I go back to the fairgrounds and start cleaning up the mess that the kids left behind. Matt helps out and in no time, we finish cleaning. He leaves to another building and starts setting up for dinner. When I try to help, he turns me away and demands that I rest.

"You've done a lot today, don't worry about helping me here. Go rest, you'll need more energy tomorrow."
I go back to the tent and lay on my back to relieve the pressure building there. Grabbing some tissue, I clean myself up and call Jacob to let him know how the job was going so far.

"So, have you seen any elephants?" Jacob joked with me.

"No, but it seems like I'm talking to one. What's with all the loud noises?"

"I'm sick. I'm just glad you won't catch whatever this is."

"Oh, well you don't have to worry about me getting sick. I never get sick anymore. I noticed that even though my body hurts like crap after a workout, I never am sore. And the last time it rained? I was outside long enough to get sick, but nothing happened."

"Well at least you won't be getting sick like a normal person. You'll just catch some disease that no one knows about because you're the only Supernaturalist out there."

"Jacob, please don't start. I know you are worried about me, but please, I don't need any pity. I know that my parents are dead, I killed them. I know that I'm dying, it's my fault."

"NO! It's not your fault that you're dying, that your parents are dead, nothing is your fault! Why can't you get that through your head?" Jacob yells at me for the thousandth time since he found out.

"Jacob, you still don't understand. I'm at fault.  I'm at fault because I couldn't control my temper! I couldn't control myself! I don't want to be at fault for anything and that's why I'm ending our friendship!" There, I finally said it outright.

"No! I'm not leaving you! No matter how hard you try, I'll always be there for you! I don't want to lose you." He says the last part quietly.

"Well I'm not going to ruin your perfect life, Jacob!"

"Why can't you understand? You make my life perfect!" He pauses as if realizing what he just said, "Wait, did I just say that?"

"Yes, you did. And here's the thing, you're lucky. You have your parents with you to help with whatever you need. You don't need to worry about what's going to happen next. You have a little brother that you can take care of when your parents leave. You have the chance to love someone and not worry that you are going to hurt them with one missguided thought. You don't have to worry about when you're going to die, knowing it's way into the future. I don't have that benefit. I have no family left, they are gone and I may never see them again. I constantly need to be aware of what I'm doing, even in my sleep. I can't be with anyone because I know I'm dying. Even if I weren't, I wouldn't be able to be with them now because I could kill them with a touch. I almost killed you once. I was angry that you were bothering me and I was stealing your body heat. You almost froze to death. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you because of my selfishness. I am at fault Jacob and I need to cut ties with you in order to protect you."

"Oh. Well, is this goodbye then?"

"Yes. Goodbye." It broke my heart to think this would be the last time I would ever hear him, but I had to do this.

"I love you, and I'll never forget you. I hope you find the one to hold you together, since it's obviously not me."

"I-I, you? Forget it. I c-can't be with you. Goodbye." I hang up and fold into a ball, crying for the loss of my best friend.

I don't get up until someone shakes me softly. I get up and wipe my face. A cool hand wipes the sweat off of my forehead and pulls me into an embrace. The person continues to hold me until I stop shaking.

"You okay now, princess?" A voice sweetly asks.


"Yes, it's me."

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