The Fire

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I dance with Danel reluctantly and actually have fun. I see Jacob with his old friends and know I made the right choice. He was already smiling and laughing more than when he was with me. After a while, I forget who I’m dancing with. Three songs later and I am out of breath more than usual.

“You okay there, sweetie? You look a little out of breath.” his tone was mocking and I knew he knew something that I didn’t.

“What did you do to me? Why am I like this?”

“Oh, it’s quite simple. Your body is trying to expel your magic and because of that, you are slowly dying. If I don’t take your powers, then you will die a painful death by the time you turn 17.”

A stunned, “What?” come out of my mouth.

“That’s right, sweetie. So let’s make this easier for all of us and give me you power. I’ll give a moment to think about my offer.”
I can’t believe this, I-I don’t want to die early, but at the same time, I want to keep my powers. I wish I could manage without any help.

“I'm going to have to reject your offer Danel. I-I’m sure that I can do without you.”

“You're going to regret that later, sweetie. Now I'm afraid that we are going to do this the hard way.”

“Wait! How about a deal? You teach me everything I need to know and if I still pose a threat, then you can take my powers.” I hope he falls for that because I have no idea how I'm going to protect myself, not to mention the other people in here that are bound to be freaked out by me.

“Nope, sorry, wish I could take up on your offer, but it's out of my hands now.”

“Why can't you make your own choices for once? Instead of having this Gracie James making decisions for you?” I slowly back away until I'm down the hall where no one can see me.

When I'm far enough where the others can't see me, I turn and run. Danel follows me and he appears right in front of me. I barely have enough time to stop before I run into his tall stature.

“Now, that's not good manners to run away from your elders without saying farewell.” He walks forward slowly as if I were his prey.

My ragged breaths were getting worse and worse and I ran into a table with a candle. He smiles and I get angry.

How dare he mess with a helpless girl who has way more power than him! I don't care if he's older than me, I'm fighting him!

He grins ear to ear and pushes me into the table. I gather a ball of flames and throw it his way. He easily dodges and the curtain sets on fire. My eyes widen as I realize that it was all a trick.

The flames grow higher with every second and soon the whole room is engulfed by flame. I try to escape so I can warn the others but Danel blocks my path.

“Oh no you don't. You are going to see what a danger you are to society.”

“Move.” My voice is gravely serious and I want nothing more than to see Danel on the ground.

  “Or what, princess?”

“Or I'll burn that face of yours.” Not exactly a pretty sight in the mind's eye, but you gotta do what you have to do to ensure safety for others.

He let's me leave and I run toward the salon where everyone is at and they have a look of confusion on their faces and I know why. The smell of smoke permeates the room.

“Everyone, get out of here! There's a fire!” My voice echoes off the walls and the students begin to move.

Too soon, the flames are in the salon and everyone's struggling to breathe, me included. A teacher tries to get me out of the building but I refuse to leave. I see a student who can't find her way out and I run over to her.

“Let's go! I'll help you out.”

I manage to get her to the front of the salon where the teachers were and I go back to see if there are more people left behind. I save many people and while I'm leaving the building, a beam falls from the ceiling and lands on my leg. The flames leap to my face and I scream in agony. I get the beam off my leg and run outside. I breathe in fresh air and notice that everyone is out safely. The pain on my face is more than I can bare and my breathing is ragged and I can barely see through the spots in my vision. Jacob runs over to me and I collapse in his arms.

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