The Song

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After a long, exhausting day, Danel and I come up with a plan to reason with Gracie. Dinner consisted of asparagus lasagna and soy cookies. When everyone is asleep, I sneak out to meet with Danel. We go to Gracie James’ house and attack her. I manage to get her tied up with vines from nearby.

“Why do you want to kill me?” was the first question that popped into my head.

“Because, I should be the most powerful one. And your parents were rebellious since they met each other. Don’t you know? The child of two elementalist are the strongest and must be eliminated as soon as they rise in power. You are well past that and you are a danger to humanity.”

“Who says that I’m out to destroy the world? I’m just trying to live a life where I can still pretend to be normal even though I killed my parents.”

“They didn’t tell you, did they? I bet they don’t even know you are a supernaturalist. They didn’t even tell you what they were.”

“No they didn’t tell me anything. They died in a car wreck two years ago.”

“An accident that you caused?”

“No, I didn’t cause it. The drunk driver ran a red light.” Nice try, Kells, but you know what really happened.

“Ah, yes, but it was your fault that poor old dad couldn’t stop in time.”

“Just let me be. I came to tell you that I want to make a truce. Let me live and Danel will be by me to make sure I don’t mess up. I’ll stay out of your way and you’ll stay out of my life. What do you say?”  I can’t believe that she would try to break me down by mentioning my dad. I’m well over that now, right? It doesn’t matter, I have the scar to remind me of what I’ve done. I’ve received my punishment and I know what really matters.

“Fine, I’ll leave you alone, completely alone, for 6 months. If you try to run, I will find you Kelsey Hayes. You will never be able to run away from me.”

  I go back to my room and sleep in the next day. When I return to school later on that day, Jacob was waiting for me with flowers. I walked right past him and continued on to class. He tries to block my path but one look from me and he goes running into his next class. After the fire that gave me my scars, everyone had a newfound respect for me. It didn’t mean much but it was a start. I lived the rest of my senior year peacefully. I had some nosebleeds and anxiety attacks. Everyone thought I was weird because I avoided everyone whenever I could.

I nearly killed so many people because I would get angry at their invasion of my privacy and I would accidentally steal their heat. I have many near misses with my powers and finally, I can leave school. It’s the last day of school for all the seniors who passed. Everyone is gathered in the auditorium to sign yearbooks, exchange memories and tears. I’m in the corner, reading another book when a group of people come near me. I look up and a girl who looks as though she has been to way too many tanning stations in the past year comes nearer and asks me to sing for the rest of the seniors and I oblige when Jacob gives me a pointed look.

“My best friend gave me the best advice, he said each day’s a gift and not a given right. Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind and try to take the path less traveled by. That first step you take is the longest stride. If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late. Could you say goodbye to yesterday? Would you live each moment like your last? Leave old pictures in the past, Donate every dime you have? If today was your last day

My voice filled the auditorium and many were in awe of what I was singing.  I finished singing the song and everyone clapped loudly. My face heated slightly and i struggled to keep a fire from burning inside the room.

Sun-burnt girl comes up to me and says, “Wow, I didn’t think you could sing so well. Jacob has been telling everyone that you are a really good singer but I didn’t really believe it. Do you write your own songs?”

“Sorta. I try to but I don’t exactly have all the equipment to actually consider a music career. Excuse me, but I have to go.”

“Oh, ok. Be sure to give me a call.”
She hands me a card with her contact information on it and as soon as she’s out of sight, I crumple it up and throw it in the garbage.

“You really ought to be making some friends here, princess. And might I add, you have the voice of an angel.”
I no longer jump at Danel's voice. He likes to show up when he wants.

“I don’t want to. I know I’m dying so there is no point of me going through all that heartache.”

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