The Take-Off

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The next morning, I took a quick shower and packed some last minute essentials when I woke up. I felt enthusiastic about the journey to India and couldn't wait to see Ren again. I grabbed my bag and hugged Sarah one last time before I head out.

"I don't think you need to go. You still look a little pale from last night. Can't you-"

"I'll be fine Sarah." I put a little conviction in my voice, "Forget about what happened last night, it was just a bad dream. I didn't throw up. Nothing happened. It was just a bad dream." Her eyes cloud for a second and she seems to forget about what happened, just like I intended.

I hate using my powers like this but I need to go to this trip. Something big is going to happen. I can feel it.

I jump into the Bentley and drive to the fairgrounds. A medium-sized cargo truck was in the parking lot and Mr. Davis was loading Ren in the back. Ren wore a big collar around his neck that had a long chain connected to it. Mr. Davis and Matt gripped the chain tightly to make sure he didn't go lose. He watched me with those big blue eyes of his. Finally, the truck was ready and with a command from Mr. Davis, he jumped into his cage.

Mr. Kadam took my bag and slung it over his shoulder. He asked, "Miss Kelsey, would you like to ride in the truck or accompany me in the convertible.

I looked over to the truck and made my decision. "I'll ride with you. Just let me take my medications." I take the pills that Danel gave me and join Mr. Kadam in the Bentley.

I felt slightly weak but I leaned my head back on the seat. Mr. Kadam had the windows of the Bentley down and I watched the trees fly by. The windows went up and I looked at Mr. Kadam.

"Miss Kelsey, are you alright? You seem a bit sick." He asked me.

"I'm fine, just thinking about someone. He was a good friend." I cut off, remembering that he technically doesn't exist. Danel faked his death a long time ago.

The rest of the way was quiet until we got to the airport. I felt even weaker and I stumbled getting out of the car. Mr. Kadam reached out to help me regain my balance but I slightly pulled away. I see the logo on the airplane that read Flying Tiger Airlines. I point towards it and Mr. Kadam said he would explain the story when we got on. He grabbed my bag and walked towards the plane. I stumbled the entire way and briefly wondered what was in the pills that Danel gave me.

The tiger was secure and comfortable and we walked inside the plane. The plane was decorated in black, chrome, and white. It was very comfortable and modern. The seats on the plane fully reclined and they looked cozy.

"Please take your seat. We will be taking off soon Miss Kelsey." I turned to an attractive Indian woman with long hair. "My name is Nilma and I am your attendant." She had an accent just like Mr. Kadam.

"Are you from India too?" She nodded and fluffed a pillow behind my head. I was seeing spots now and was slightly worried that I was about to pass out.

Nilma handed me a blanket and some magazines. Mr. Kadam waved away the blanket and pillow and sat across from me. He looked worried and spoke to the attendant in Hindu. She brought me a box of tissues and walked away. I wiped at my nose and found a bit of blood. I clean myself up and wondered who Mr. Kadam's employer is.

He must be rich to be able to afford a private plane and a Bentley for a rental car. He has to be a Bollywood actor. But Mr. Kadam has been working for him for a while now so that can't be it.

I had only been on a plane a couple of times with my parents but I was always nervous about take-offs. I felt even worse than normal. My head was spinning and I kept seeing spots in my vision. I was feeling weaker by the moment and I was afraid of passing out. Another bout of dizziness hit me as we took off and I passed out.

I see Danel on the plane; I see my parents and Jacob too. They were all calling out to me, urging me to wake up. Their voices merge into Mr. Kadam's voice. I open my eyes but close them just as fast when the roof of the plane swirled in front of me. I was laying on my back on the floor of the plane and I had a pillow under my head. I sit up and Mr. Kadam helps me. He looked me and made sure that I was stable enough on my own.

"What happened?" My voice was slurred. My tongue felt too big for my mouth.

"You passed out as soon as we took off but I couldn't get to you until we were at cruising altitude. You were shaking badly and it seemed as if you were having a seizure." His eyes were round with shock, "Are you alright, Miss Kelsey?"

"Yeah, I'm ok now. Thanks for the concern. Where is my bag? I need my meds." He hands me my bag and I look for the pills that Danel gave me.

I find them and the label had been torn off. I take some meds and go back to my chair. The panic of blacking out subsides and I'm able to relax. I feel weaker than normal but I put it off as the aftermath from my episode. I read a magazine from cover to cover, also finishing the crossword and the Sudoku puzzle. I notice Mr. Kadam watching me closely. I put my magazine and silently challenge him with my eyes.

"Mr. Kadam, are you thinking of sending me back? Because if you are, I would prefer to at least see India for a couple of days."

"I'm not thinking of sending you back, Miss Kelsey. Rather I'm thinking of how someone can have so many health issues and still be this healthy looking. Miss Kelsey, you look the prime example of health. Either way, you had questions for me?"

I ask the one thing that I could care less about, "Ah, yeah. Can you tell me about Flying Tiger Airlines?"

"Well, my employer used to own, and I used to run, a company called Flying Tiger Airlines Freight and Cargo, or Flying Tiger Airlines for short. It was the largest trans-Atlantic charter company in the 1940s and 1960s."

"Where did the name Flying Tiger come from?"

(A/N: this is page 56 - 61 in the book, I'm not changing the conversation between her and Mr. Kadam this time. Read this part if you want to. The original book is Tiger's Curse.)

I fell asleep to the musical tone of his voice. I dreamt of Danel and how he had betrayed me not long ago. In my dream, Danel was beside Gracie and I was tied to a chair close by. They were whispering about their plans to destroy me, once and for all. Danel said that he had already taken care of me and I would no longer be a threat to her. The dream changed.

I was in the circus and there was a crowd surrounding me. I was in the center ring. People were cheering me on. I was wearing a costume and I had my hair pushed back from my face. I was forced to show off my powers. I blew out fire and moved water everywhere around the tent. I froze the water in time and made another spout and made them both disperse through the crowd. Kids were yelling in delight and adults were mystified. The people who worked the circus were in the stands, disapproving of my act. Ren was brought out and he obeyed every order I gave. He ran around me and did various tricks. I was terrified because people were watching. Then I saw my family, the ones who took me into their home and the ones who raised me.

Dad stood in the stands and yelled out, Freak! And one after another, the rest of the family joined, yelling that I was a freak, never should I have been born. Everyone started running away all at once and I was left alone, in the pitch black darkness of the tent. No one remained and I was alone, crying, and scared. I felt a nudge at my back and looked at the tiger with the blue eyes at my side. I knew at that moment that he would never leave me. I hugged him around his neck and held on for my life.

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