The Circus

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I woke up feeling very tired. I take my medicine and step into the shower, letting the water surround me as i begin to wake up completely. I step back out and dry my hair using the winds. After I was completely dry, I begin my circus prepping, putting on my most comfortable t-shirt and jeans. I pull my hair into a braid and grab several water bottles to put into my bag. I pack some essentials and some clothes to take. I also put in some of the ribbons that my mom gave me into the bag. Those ribbons and the quilt are very special to me and I hope that I can keep my secret, a secret.  It’ll be hard, but I’m sure I’ll manage. I jiggle the zipper of my bag closed and finish grabbing a few other essentials.

I go downstairs and see Sarah and Mike already back from their morning run. They were preparing breakfast for everyone and i sneak in, stifling a yawn.

“Good morning, you guys.”

“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Are you ready for your first job?”

“Yeah, I get to sell tickets and hang around animals for the next two weeks.”

“Better than Public Works. Want a lift?”

“Sure Mike. Thanks.” I grab a granola bar and chug down a glass of their soy milk. I promise to call Sarah every day to make sure I take my medicine and my inhaler with me everywhere.
Mike drops me off at the fairgrounds and a big sign reads, Polk county fairgrounds welcomes THE CIRCUS MAURIZIO, featuring the Maurizio acrobats and the famous Dhiren!

Here we go, I walk to the main building that looked like a military bunker. The fairgrounds was an odd cluster of buildings and I look around, finding  place to practice and let loose so I don’t have many attacks. I find a man that looks to be in charge and I make my way to him and introduce myself.

He keeps chewing something and spits on the floor. “Go around back and turn to you left. A black and silver mobile home is out there.”

“Thanks.” The tobacco disgusted em but I kept on smiling and left in search of the mobile home. I finally find it and knock on the door.

“Jus’ a minute.” a man’s voice yelled. The door opens quickly and without warning and I jump back as a man dressed in a robe comes out, laughing at my reaction. The man was tall and had a potbelly. His black, curly hair ended a bit past where it would be. He reaches to shift his hairpiece and messed with his pointy moustache.

“Don’t be-a intimadated by my appearance.” His italian accent apparent in the way he speaks.

“I’m not intimidated, it seems that I’ve woken you up. I’m sorry.” I blush slightly and little sparks go off in my hands.

“I like de surprises. It keeps me-a young and a most handsome man. And who might you be, young miss?”

“My name’s Kelsey. I was hired to work here for a couple of weeks.”

He grabs my hand and completely enfolds it in his hand. “Ah, fantastico! We are a bit short-handed and need some assistenza while we are in this city of yours. Welcome to the Circus Maurizio! Let’s get started immediatamente.” He grabs the attention of a fourteen-year-old blonde walking by. “Cathleen, take this giovane donna to Matt and informare him I desidere- that I wish for him to work with her together. Nice to meet you, Kelsey. I hope you piacere, ah, enjoy, working here at our piccola tenda di circo!”

I said, “It was nice meeting you too.”

He goes back inside his mobile home and closes the door. The wind was blowing fiercely around the fairgrounds and I knew it was my fault. I was getting way too nervous. I hid the sparks being emitted from my hands by tucking my hands in my pockets.

Cathleen turns to me and leads me to a tent. “Welcome to the big- er, small top! You can sleep in my tent if you want. There are a couple of extra cots in there. My mom and my aunt are acrobats. The tent’s nice, if you ignore all the costumes.”

She led me to a tent and to a vacant cot. I put my things down and looked around. There were costumes everywhere and there were bobby pins, feathers and other objects scattered around the tent. We find Matt who was trying to set up the ticket stand and failing. We help him and Cathleen blushing like a little girl and I knew I had to help them.

“This is Kelsey, she’s here for a couple of weeks. You are to show her the ropes.”

“No prob, Cath. See ya around.”

“See ya Matthew.” She blushed and walked away.

“So, you get to be my sidekick today, huh? Well you’ll love it. I run the ticket and souvenir booths, I’m the trash and stock boy. Basically I do whatever needs to be done around here. My dad’s the animal trainer.”

“Cool,” I joked around and said, “Better than trash collector anyway.”

We spend the next few hours hauling boxes and setting up for the performances later on. I use my powers in subtle ways, like keeping me cool by brushing winds through the tent area, using the ground to elevate me a little bit to reach a high spot. By the time we are nearly done, I have a headache and my nose was bleeding a bit.

I didn’t notice until Matt said, “You ok Kelsey?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Your nose is bleeding.”

“Oh, that happens a lot. It’s ok.”

“Have you seen a doctor about that?”
“Yeah, they can’t explain it. I have a lot of medical problems but I’m fine. I don’t feel sick or anything.” Liar, your body hurts.

We continue to get ready and he sends me off to change into something that I would never even touch.

Shoving my head through the shiny neckline, I wonder if this job will even be worth it. I sell tickets to little kids coming from a summer camp.

I watch Matt’s dad do his dog show and the clowns come out and do tricks with the kids. Mr. Maurizio comes out and dramatic jungle music starts playing.

“And now… the highlight of our programma! He was taking from the harsh, wild giungla, the jungles, of India and brought here to America. He is a fierce hunter, a cacciatore bianco, who stalks his prey, waiting for the right time, and then he… springs into action! Movimento!” He roars into the microphone and all the kids jump in their seats, “This tigre is one of the most dangerous  predators in the world. Watch our trainer risk his life to bring you… Dhiren!”

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