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                   Tris's POV
     Having Tobias so close to me in a romantic way feels almost wrong. He places his hand on my waist, making my lips curl into a smile. "Congratulations," he says. Some tall, dark skinned man walks up and slaps his hand on his shoulder.
    "You must be the beautiful Tris," he says. "I'm Zeke. His only, and most important person in his life." I smile nervously at him. "Anyways man, if your staying a while, can you make sure Uriah doesn't get shitfaced?" He asks. Tobias nods, waving his friend off.
    "So this is official now?" He asks with a grin. I shrug. "Always so shy, my Tris." He kisses my forehead and walks away. Chris runs up and looks at me in stick.
    "You seen that?"
     "Hell yes, I did! Why the hell would you not tell me about this? I told you about Will and I," she says, sounding disappointed.
   "We didn't want you thinking my ranking was based off of favoritism," I say. She sighs, shrugging off the conversation now. We walk over to one of the empty benches and sit down.
    "So how is he in bed?"  I'm shocked.
    "I don't know. Why would you think I would do that with him so soon?" I ask, kind of disappointed.
    "Well have you seen what you have? I would even jump on this if I could."
     "Someone has a thing for the instructor," Chris says, clapping her hands together. Sometimes I think she belongs in Amity. "No, I don't. He scares me actually." She scuffs. "Well then he has a thing for you. He's always looking and talks to you more than anyone else." "That's because I'm the worse one here." She tilts her head to the side. "There's no way someone like him could like me."
     Crazy to this that only happened a week ago. A lot can happen in seven days.
                Tobias's POV
     Tris walks out of the dining hall. I step in front of her, making her gasp in surprise. She fixes her hair and releases a relieved sigh. "You scared me," she says. I take her hand and lead her away from everyone. I stop in front of my apartment and open the door for us.
    She steps inside and takes her coat off. I sit down on the couch, gesturing for her to join me. When she does, I pull her as close to me as possible and every now and then kiss her neck. 
    "Are you excited for this new life?" I ask her. She nods, looking at our hands.
    "Its weird, having a life outside of abnegation that no one knows about. Not even my parents or brother," she says. I kiss the top of her head.
     "I believe in you. You'll be fine here and have a great life," he tells me. I smile, leading over to kiss him.
       "OMGOSH YOU HAVE A CRUSH!" Hannah and Zeke yell at the same time. I rub my eyes. "How cute. I told you he wasn't gay," Shauna says. "You thought I was gay?" I ask. He nods. Hannah takes my hand. "What's her name?" She asks. "Tris," I say shyly, my face heating up. "That short girl with the blond hair?" I nod. "You could do so much better, man." Hannah and Shauna slap the back of his head. "Have you seen her up close?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Then you haven't really seen her."
        So much as happened for me, and for her, us, from the moment she jumped into that net. I still find it crazy how she, a small girl from abnegation, would jump first...I hadn't even done that myself.
    She sits up and fixes her hair. I have to be wary of actions with her sexually. I'm not ashamed of nothing on my body (😏), but she's afraid to be intimate. "Tobias?" She asks.
    "Are you scared of me too? You're hands are shaking really bad." I laugh nervously.
    "Terrified." She shakes her head, standing. "Where you going?"
    "You said we were gonna cook," she says. I don't remember that, but then again Zeke made me drink quite a bit last night. I get up and walk to the kitchen, reaching up in the cabinets cause I know she can't reach. "Why am I not surprised you're a health freak," she says with a small, shy smile. I chuckle, opening the freezer door, grabbing hamburger.
     "I'm making burgers. That's not a health freak." She looks at the lettuce that I use instead of bread. "Okay, maybe a little." I hand her the pan and open the hamburger. I walk behind her as she flips the hamburger and wrap my arms around her. She tenses a little, making me start to step away. She places her hand on my arm, keeping me in place. 
    "It's okay. I'm still getting used to this," she says. I kiss her cheek, making her smile.
    "I like that I can do that," I say. 
    "That I can make you blush."

AN: Welcome fudge nuggets, new and old! Obviously this is a new divergent fanfic and I'm currently trying both a new writing type and trying to get used to this story since I just came out of another one (I sound like I'm talking about a relationship haha). There will be a lot of typo's and with that said DON'T COMMENT ABOUT IT! I KNOW IT THERE, I'M JUST TOO DAMN LAZY TO EDIT! Anyways, please comment your thoughts and share! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪.         -Vaeh


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