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                 Tobias's POV

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Tobias's POV

Tris walks out of the bathroom dressed and ready to go to the dinner. My eyes travel down her legs that look longer in the heels she's wearing. "What?" She asks, fixing her hair.
"N-nothing," I stutter. She reaches out for my hand. I put my hand in hers and pick her up, making her gasp. She wraps her hands around my neck as I carry her out if the apartment and lock the door.
"I can walk, you know?" She says.
"I know, but this works too," I say. She kisses my neck, trying to distract me. "We're here," I say, setting her down. I open the door and lead her in. Hannah and Robert smile at us.
"You must be the beautiful Tris we always hear about," she says, shaking Tris's hand. I shake my head at her. We walk over to the table and sit down. "So what's your home faction?"
"I'm from Abnegation," Tris answers.
"Do you still have a good relationship with your family?" Robert asks. I kick him under the table.
"Yeah. My dad wasn't the most supportive obviously, but he respects my decision," she tells him. I take her hand under the table. We start eating, Tris's hand shaking in mine.
"Do you see yourself getting married and having kids?" Hannah asks her. Tris almost chocks on her water.
"Marriage? Kids?" She asks.
"It isn't something I have to have in life. If I don't ever get married or have kids that's fine," she says. I squeeze her hand.
"You did good. I think she liked you," I say, locking the door to my apartment. Tris sits down on the couch. "What?"
"She didn't like me. That question about kids ruined everything," she says. I cross my arms, looking at her from the kitchen.
"I thought it was a good answer. It would have been a lot worse if you lied," I tell her. She rests her head on the arm of the couch. "I'm gonna get ready for bed." She doesnt open her eyes as I walk to the room.
Tris's POV

I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen for water. My phone buzzes from the counter. I pick it up and see Christina's contact.
Chris: You staying at Four's tonight?
Tris: yeah.
I set it back down and get the water bottle. Reaching behind my back. I untie the bow in the back of my shirt to loosen it before walking to the room.
Tobias looks up from the edge of the bed and gives me a small smile. "You tired?" He asks. I nod, grabbing the shirt he was wearing today. Before I can get to the bathroom, he grabs my hand and pulls me in front of him.
"You okay?" I ask. He nods, turning me around and unzipping the back of my shirt. I shrug it off my shoulder, a small smile on my face. He turns me back around and unbuttons my jeans; I take them the rest of the way off.
"I love you," he says, kisses my inner thighs. I sigh, closing my eyes. His right hands trail down my waist, dragging my underwear down. "Take your bra off," he says. I've never heard him be too demanding with me in this situation, and I'm enjoying it. I take it off and her it fall to the floor with the rest of my clothes.
He takes his shirt off, setting it to the side. My confidence immediately disappears. My body tenses as he stands up, towering over me. "You okay?" He asks. I nod.
Cupping my face, he presses my lips against his passionately. Picking me up, he throws me on the bed, stripping from his sweats. He bends down and kisses my legs, his eyes locking on mine the higher her gets.
"Please," I moan.
"What do you want?" He trails his lips closer.
"Touch me. Please," I beg.

He presses his mouth against me, my back arch off the bed. His hands roam over my body. "Shit," I curse, running my fingers through his hair. I bite down on my lip as I reach my climax.
He pulls back with a smirk, kisses up my body. I rest my eyes for a second, taking heavy breaths. "If your too tired, we can stop."
"No, I'm fine. That was just...a lot," I say. He brushes my hair out of my face. "You can go now." He presses himself against me, pushing in. He buries his fave in my neck. I run my hands down his tattooed back.
"Tell me if I hold you too tight," he says, holding me by my waist. I nod, kissing him. My nails scratch at his back, wrapping my kegs around his waist. "Fuck." His jaw clenches as he curses under his breath.
"Ahh, I'm close," I moan. His eyes stay locked with mine. "Too tight." He loosens his grip on me. He slows down as he finishes, kissing me slowly. I clench around him as I finish, holding onto him as if he'll disappear into oblivion.
He rolls off of me, breathing heavily. "Now I'm tired."

AN: Sense it's valentines day ಠ⌣ಠ. Anyways, please comment and share! Be brave🔪🔪🔪. -Vaeh

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