Some Time

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      Alec Andrew Eaton (18)

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Alec Andrew Eaton (18)

    Beauty Anne Mars Eaton (16)Some years later:                   Tris's POV::

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Beauty Anne Mars Eaton (16)

Some years later:
Tris's POV::

Tobias kissing up my chest as I breath heavily. I run my hands up and down his broad back, feeling every right muscle; even through the years he's managed to stay in the same shape he was at eighteen. "I love you," I say.
"I love you to-"
"WILL YOU SHUT UP!" Beauty yells from the living room. I groan, squeezing my eyes shut.
"Why can't we have one morning?" He chuckles as he gets redressed in his pajamas and goes down stairs. I follow him, getting dressed.
"What's going on?" He asks Beauty and Alec. They look at each other in shock that they've been caught talking about something.
"Its nothing," Beauty says, looking at her older brother with a serious expression.
"It is some-"
"What is going on?" I yell. They both sigh. Alec's jaw clenches as do his fists. "One of you better answer."
"Its nothing," he says tightly. She looks at us with a nervous expression before running off to her room.
Tobias's POV::

"What are we supposed to do with them?" Tris asks, chopping up carrots. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her. She relaxes against me, sighing. "They can't get along. Me and Caleb were never like that it's not just cause we were abnegation."
"I'm sure it'll pass. We need to let them handle whatever this is on there own. You've been stressing enough lately, this is the last thing you should worry about. Did you want lunch?"
She nods, too fast for my liking. I turn her around to face me. "I ate," she says, chewing on the inside of her cheek. I give her a stern look.
"Don't lie to me, especially about this," I tell her. She looks down, blinking back tears.
"When I eat, I feel sick. In my mind it would be better to not eat at all, than to have that feeling," she explains. She turns around and goes back to the carrots.
The front door flies open and Alec runs in. "Mom, dad," he says, breathing frantically. She sets the knife down again, wiping a few tears. He notices this and stops. "You okay?" He asks. She forces a smile at him.
"Yeah. What's wrong?" He looks towards the door.
"Beauty. Be-" Before he can finish talking the door open and Beauty comes in. She grabs Alec by his jacket.
"You didn't-"
"I CAN'T JUST LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!" He yells at her. I look back at Tris. Usually we would just wait til this passes and stay out of it, but Tris is right. This is more serious.
"What the fuck is happening?" I ask, raising my voice.
"Ben's abusive," Alec rushes out.
"Alec!" Beauty yells.
"What did you say?" I ask.
"Ben is abusive towards Beauty. I've only noticed the physical parts of it. I've know for about two months, but she swore it was just from initiation. One day I walked into the dorms to bring her something and he had her pinned to a wall, hitting her. I've tried telling you a million times, but she stops me."
"Beauty," Tris says.
"I don't want to talk about it," she says and walks away. I'm about to follow her but she stops me.
"I'll take care of her. You two go handle that fuck up of a boy," she says. Alec starts towards the door. "Wait!" She says, handing me my gun. "Use if necessary." Impress my lips to herd before following my son out.

"EVERYONE OUT!" I yell at all the initiates in the dorms. Everyone stands from their bucks and makes their way out. I stop Ben with my hand. "Not you." He swallows down hard, obviously nervous. Alec smirks, pushing him against the wall.
"You think it's fun to hit girls?" He asks. "My sister?"
"I don't know what your talking about," he says, looking between us. I roll my eyes.
"You think I don't know my sister? That didn't see you hitting her last month?" He asks through gritted teeth.
"This is none of your business," he snaps. Alec let's him go, shaking out his arms before punching him across the face. I'm a proud father. He scouts blood out onto the floor. "You know, she's not that fun. Maybe she would be if she didn't struggle so much."
Alec knees him hard in the crotch. "TOUCH MY SISTER AGAIN I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" He yells. I clap of a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. He shrugs it off and heads to the door.
"She has that tight little body like her mother," he says. I stop and turn back to him, stomping over. I punch and kick him until he's nearly unconscious.
"What the hell is happening in here?" A loud voice says from the doors. Max stands with Alec, his brows drawn together.
"Hits my daughter. What do you expect me to do," I say, taking my gun out. "Can I get a free shot?"
"Just don't kill him. Someone else will take care of that, then he'll burn in hell," he says and walks out. I press it to his side and pull the trigger. He yells in pain as I let him fall.
"We can go now. Someone will take him to the infirmary."
Tris's POV::

I walk into Beauty's room. She looks up from having her face in her pillow. She wipes her tears away. "I said I don't want to talk."
"I know, but I don't care. Why wouldn't you tell us?" I ask, sitting down next to her.
"I was scared," she sobs. "He said it would get worse if I did and it was worse enough," she tells me. "And neither of you would understand." I sigh.
"Beauty, do you know why your father doesn't raise his voice and you and Alec? Why he would never get you guys in trouble?" She shakes her head. "His father, Marcus, was abusive towards and his mother. Its always been his worst fear that he'll turn into him."
"That's impossible. He's the best dad we could ask for," she says. I smile.
"I know, which is why you should have talked to him of all people." The sound a knock on the door frame catches our attention. I stand up and smile at my husband.
"Can I talk to you?" He asks her. She nods. I walk out and let them talk.
Tobias's POV::

"How you doing?" I ask. She shrugs. "You should have told us. I don't know what your thinking."
"Just like I told mom, I was scared. And he-he convinced me that even though he hit me and called me things, he loved me. That's why I didn't want Alec saying anything." I flinch at the sight of her fears.
"To see someone do what I promised I would never, makes me so mad. You don't deserve this, no one does-"
"what if I do?" She asks. "I don't know what, but what if I don't remember? I can't think of another reason." I hug her as she breaks down in tears.
"It's okay," I sooth her. "Did he know?"
"Yeah. I didn't-I tried stopping him, but he wouldn't stop," she says. I kiss the top of her head. "I just to sleep." I nod, standing up.
"I love you."
"I love you too, dad." I close the door behind me. Tris hands me a dinner plate.
"I already ate, and I promise that," she says, pecking me on the lips.
"Can I wash the blood off my hands first?" I ask. She smirks.
"No, it makes you look hotter."

AN: And that's it! The end! Woot woot! I have a new Divergent fanfiction coming VERY soon! Please comment and share! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Vaeh

By the way, this is the cover for my new story, Get To You, so look out for it 😉

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