One Day You'll Meet The Girl

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   "Start feeling things you never felt and spending all your time
Trying to figure out how she got this hold on you" -Ask Me How I Know -Garth Brooks
             Tobias's POV
   "How do you feel?" Tris asks me, running her and up and down my bare chest. I smile at her, kissing the tip if her nose to hear her giggle.
    "Really really good. How does it feel to be married?" She shrugs. I raise my brows.
    "I feel a lot closer to you," she says. I make slow patterns on her back with my index finger as she talks. "I'm your wife and it feels amazing."
    "I agree to that, Mrs.Eaton," I say. She blushes at the name. I lean in and kiss her cupping her smooth cheek. "You cold?" I ask as she shivers.
    "Tobias, you literally have me covered in five blankets...thick ones just cause I was cold last night. There's no possible way for me to be cold," she says, grinning from ear to ear. 
    "Well I'm sorry for making sure you were warm last night."  
    "You know I'm thankful. Weren't you cold?"
    "Nearly about to die of hypothermia."
          My eyes slowly adjust to the light. That was the first good are of Tris and I that I've had in a long time. I'm extremely disappointed that she's now asleep beside me. It's my own fault though, I didn't stop her form leaving last night.
     I don't know what I'm feeling, or why exactly. Every guy I've ever heard talk about a break up says they can move on from it immediately. I don't understand how she has such control over my feelings.
   After the door had closed behind her, I feel into pieces. She never said the words that we are broken up, but it feels like she did. What makes it worse is that its my fault. If I would just let her in and express my feelings, she would be in bed with me sleeping.
    I get up and walk to the bathroom. My eyes are blood shot from crying. I haven't cried like I did last night since my mothers "death".
            I keep my head down as I walk down the hall, knowing I look like shit. Someone bumps into my shoulder. "Sorry," I mumble.
    "Wait a second," the man says. I automatically recognize the voice as Mr.Priors. I stop in my tracks and lean against the wall. "You can go see Tris. I'll be there soon to say goodbye." She nods and keeps walking. "What happened with you and my daughter?" He asks.
    "I messed up," I say.
    "Look at me," he demands. I raise my face, looking at her. It takes all my self strength not to loose like I did last night. "You look terrible. How'd you mess up?"
    "I blocked her out and when she tried helping, I was harsh...too damn harsh. I didn't try and make her stay," I tell him.
    "I think you need to wake the hell up," he says. My eyes widen at his language. "My daughter, she's one of those people that when she loves, she gets insecure. Its your job to make sure she knows you love and trust her."
     "My mom, she trusted my dad. I don't want her to trust me and me disappoint her," I admit.
    "Listen to me, I no longer have a son that I can tell this to, so I guess you'll do," he says with a chuckle. "One day you'll meet the girl, you swore you'd never find.
And start feeling things you never felt and spending all your time, trying to figure out how she got this hold on you. And when you start to fall, you'll hold onto your pride. Then start building up your walls and you'll never let her get inside. You'll push her away 'cause that's all you know how to do. And you can't do that."
    "I know."
    AN: I'm just gonna end the chapter here since I'm extremely tired and late as hell. Please comment and share! Please go check out my Instagram makeupbyvaeh! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Vaeh

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